Affectivity And Its Importance In The Context Of The Learning

1 INTRODUCTION It is known that some researchers of the educational area offer resistance in attributing value to the affectivity; this is seen, for example, in the exposition of some works on the subject. Additional information at Michael James Burke, London UK supports this article. However, theoretical studies approach the question of the affectivity in the education process and learning, as if it can see in the works of Piaget, Vygotsky and others. To talk concerning affectivity and learning is to talk of the existence of the life of the people whom, for needing to live socially, if it organizes in the relation of the citizen with the other citizens, in the contexture of Inter-relations. For Piaget (apud WEDGE, 2000) the cognitivo development is resulted of the convivncia between child and the people who it becomes related, in the case of the school, the pupil and the professors. It exhibits the accomplishments for the citizen, that is, these accomplishments becomes possible through the interaction of the pupil with its next one, thus happening to the transformation of the paper of the professor, he is of facilitador, and the pupil ownership of the ideas.

Vygotsky (1989), also approaches the importance of the social interactions, and emphasizes that the idea of the intervention and the introduction as essential appearances for the learning. Its justification is that the construction of the knowledge occurs through the intense action of interaction between the people. , From there inserted in the culture that the child, through the socialization with the people encircle who it, goes itself developing. To if portraying on the affectivity in the learning process she sees even though how much this word passes unprovided or is ignored by some professors. The negative results of this exercise can be known during the pertaining to school space, which will have as study subject the initial series of Basic Ensino. 2 BEGINNING OF THE TRAJECTORY 2,1 Identification of the area and subject of the inquiry The research was carried through in the public school School of Basic Education and Average Johnson having totalized a universe of 1.300 pupils, understanding, in diurne turn, adolescents and, at night, adults.