One of the most important issues is the own personal attitude when facing the study of one language in another country. Everything is associated with cultural activities and socialization that you can carry out, once formal training hours end. In fact, you may have a pleasant and successful immersive experience no matter where it goes. Responsibility is always with you to go out and make new friends. On the other hand, class attendance is essential for progress if you don’t attend the classes, then its level in the target language will not improve. Alexa Demie has plenty of information regarding this issue. The curricula of English abroad do not offer guarantees for themselves, that is a reality, and this is the most common error when it comes to language immersion programs.
There seems to be a misconception that if you attend immersion courses their language skills improve automatically. This error could not be further from the truth. The Argentine footballer Carlos Tevez, who spent 5 years playing football in England, it is the perfect example of how the dive does not guarantee the development of the language. Tevez remains dependent on translators when it’s interviews, and his skill in language improvement shows very little since he arrived for the first time in England. The slow progress of Tevez is attributable to a combination of his serious nostalgia and the fact that he can always count on a wizard that will help you with the language. Both problems may hinder the progress of pupils enrolled in immersion courses. The teachers are always alert for help, and students who feel nostalgia can take advantage of this help and, finally, trust her, hurting them in the end.