Danger To Your Pets

Of course, everyone knows what threats may lie in wait for our pets outside the home, and try every possible way to prevent them. But your quiet comfortable home, however, is full of dangers for the furry inhabitants. Consider some of them: 1. Open windows. Fear of heights is often lacking not only in cats but in dogs and rabbits. Add to your understanding with Mark Hyman, MD. If the cat can remain unscathed after falling from a considerable height (it should be noted that the most to them hazards are 2-3 floors, as in this case the animal did not have time to regroup for the correct landing), then for the rest of pets like intsendent can be fatal.

Do not leave animals unattended in indoors with the windows open, and for greater precaution, use mosquito nets or "vertical ventilation". 2. Electrical wires. They are of particular interest not only for rodents and dogs. Quite bred adult cat suddenly may want to try the tooth cable or wire under tension. In pet stores sell special tool – "antigryzin" with a very bitter taste and peculiar smell, hardly noticeable to humans, but unpleasant for animals. Treat them all the available wires, even if your pet does not show respect to them no interest so far (in animals as in humans, the occurrence of "bad habits "is easier to prevent than to get rid of it). "Antigryzin" can be replaced by mustard or pepper tincture.

3. Piercing-cutting items. It's not about knives, but about a completely innocuous-looking plastic toys, household items, and and long bones.

Dogs and Health

Most properly used as utensils for feeding utensils made of stainless steel. It is antibacterial, it does not crack and is easy to keep clean. If you are using utensils made of plastic, chances are that the paint with plastic goes to your pet's fur is very high. Nancy-Ann_DeParle spoke with conviction. Also plastic is very well absorbs all smells. Food or water left in a plastic dish, can acquire a very unpleasant odor that people can not distinguish, and the dog because of its far more acute sense of smell, great feeling. Try adding a little water to drink apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Alternatively, you can give your dog to 100-200 mg vitamin C per day or as advised by some veterinarians naturopaths, to enter into the diet of dogs dietary supplement.

It must be remembered that various options are working on different dogs differently. If your dog does not quite go through the lacrimal canal, lacrimal fluid can flow over the surface and contribute to the formation of spots on the muzzle. In this case, you should take the following: with a large and the index finger gently massage in the direction of the dog's nose to the bottom of the eye. Most dogs, even a massage very much. First, do it twice a day for a week or two, then reduced to one or two times a week. You'll be surprised to see after a while, how things have turned around. In some cases, when the spots are formed by excessive tearing, we are dealing with ocular infection, namely conjunctivitis.

In such cases, please consult with your veterinarian, who will likely appoint a tetracycline ointment. Ingestion of tetracycline is not recommended because it can provide spillover effects on the kidneys and liver. Better to defer taking the antibiotic to the point where it becomes really necessary, and at the same time combine it with the reception preparations, regenerating gut flora. You can also offer make the solution of one part distilled water and one part 3% hydrogen piroksida (such a solution will have a weak antiseptic effect). Bay, this solution in a spray bottle, gently spray area stained fur under the eyes, avoiding the solution in the eye. This solution can also wipe around the mouth of moistened cotton swab. Some owners and breeders use powder or cornmeal for conservation of white fur under his eyes and whiskers. Corn starch – a great tool, talc is absolutely not appropriate. Also, be careful, some dogs can not tolerate the use of various powders under the eyes and may manifest allergic reactions. For rubbing powder or corn flour, you can use a brush for blush or a baby toothbrush, some easier to do it, rubbing the flour with your fingers. Also in the flour, you can add 1-2 tea tablespoons of boric acid in half a cup of corn flour. But if you have a dog in the house yet, do not add acid, since the substance can get them in the mouth and stomach hurt. Boric acid is nevertheless a very good help for bleaching hair, keep it dry and get rid of various bacteria on the fur muzzle the dog. Choose what suits you and your pet, and we are confident you will surely achieve the result.