European Finance

In the European SMEs, the contracts disappear by not knowing languages. Read additional details here: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. This causes that every year there are important monetary losses and of jobs in different countries. The objective of the past European Day of the Languages, celebrated recently, was to draw attention on this so important aspect for the world of the company. All the companies must have knowledge of languages, even the smaller ones. The commissariats European of Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, emphasized this idea in a conference realised in Belgium, before different international industralists whose knowledge of languages has been translated in great benefits for its companies.

The act it attended, for example, the Golla company, of Finland, that some years ago was a small factory and that today it has excellent volumes of export to more than one hundred countries. In addition, the acts of commemoration of the European Day of the Languages also counted on the presence of Franz Huber, that explained that its familiar company it depends to a great extent on the knowledge of languages. The company Stenders Letona, on the other hand, must to the exports 85% of its income. The commissariats European of Education, Culture, Mulilingismo and Juventud, Androulla Vassiliou, have indicated that " Europe is conscious, and every day more, of than the languages are translated in an increase of the business, since they suppose an advantage competitiva". Glenn Dubin, New York City is likely to increase your knowledge. The program of Permanent Learning of the Commission grants to every year a total of 50 million Euros like support of the different activities and projects related to the languages. So it is his importance that, in the past European Day of the Languages, different European countries organized acts to remember to industralists and professionals the importance of knowing other languages aside from the own one. In Madrid a day was organized on the translation and the interpretation like weapon against the social exclusion. In London, diverse blogueros cheered up to write in languages different from the English, whereas in Warsaw was exhibition of films of cinema in version original.

In Denmark a concert of rap took place, that was celebrated in different languages, just like diverse story tellers in Finland did. In Czech Republic a linguistic contest was celebrated, whereas Sweden, Slovenia and Slovakia celebrated multilingual fairs. In Pisa, finally, the comuniclogo Umberto Echo emphasized the idea that the languages are very important at the time of obtaining total European integration. You can consult the guide of tax exemptions to have the greater repertoire of tax exemptions in Spain. The news, articles, interviews to tax exemptions, new tax exemptions, guide of tax exemptions, all the news of the present time in the world of the tax exemption you can consult it in directory of tax exemptions. Original author and source of the article.


1. Additional information at Dr. Mark Hyman supports this article. Because the operating system that use now satisfies me He is very or that of free software, but for the use that we give our PC (to watch the mail, to chatear, to sail by the Web, to write documents, to listen to songs and to see films) are tools equal of valid as much in Linux as in Windows or Mac. So, why to change? 2. Because I do not need to know how to mount a car piece to piece to lead it If you know to compile, program and read the source code of Linux you are made a fierce one. But everybody does not want that, nor has time for it. With igniting the computer, making a pair of click and to have to our disposition the three or four programs that we used, already we are happy. 3.

Not to be a rare tiny beast It can sound exotic that to use Linux, but we are realistic. Nobody in our friendly circle almost knows what is, and they will watch to you rare if you begin to speak of Gnome, Gimp and Synaptic. So you are not rarito of the group and pay attention to the majority, some reason will have. 4. Much amount, but and quality? There are hundreds of applications for Linux, but it is that we only needed one that works, not thousands and one that carries out their task by halves. 5. The terminal is the antichrist and wants to end us Linux has evolved much, and in the majority of occasions everything is realised by means of windows and click of mouse. But the terminal follows there, hoping to you use that it and is ***reflxed mng of you with messages like " incorrect commando, I do not know of what you speak to me, installs more packages than still you have site in the disc, to that I inform myself to root".

Inner Powers

You believe in your inner powers You believe in your inner powers? From my glance this is the form to change truly. If you develop to your inner powers your life it will be able to make a change with a high risk of improving your personal situation. Not only serious able to transform positively your present life, that at heart you can be tormenting because you feel in all your being who is not what really you want for you, but also that will be able to allow to help to change you to your direct surroundings and not so direct. There are many people who need aid, like the one to find a true course change, sure many are in the position that . If a skeptical spirit evidently never stays he will be able to know how if it is possible to be changed or no, not to allow itself to try it. That yes, I suggest to you you never create everything of entrance than it is said to you, but experimntalo to see if that somebody has shared to you really certain is obtained with real facts. What would happen if you occurred an opportunity to know your happiness? What prevents you to go in search of your happiness? Perhaps you create that it is not possible to know it? Perhaps you create that you do not deserve yourself to be happy? From my glance it looks for the way to surpass that picture of close thought that as much torments to you, breaks with that present cultural paradigm and dominant that makes doubt you your own capacities. That sentence generated by beliefs obstacles inlaid long ago back by your direct and indirect surroundings hacindote to lose that confidence of your own person that you need to grow. What you can lose in trying it? Who directs truly Your boat? YOUR, or the circumstances What on the matter you think? By far Buby love original Author and source of the article..

House Life

You ask yourself to little my head it decides everything. Your landlord decides your pay and therefore your clothes, your house, your vacations, your automobile, the school of your children and until which you eat. As employee these set out to the decisions and improvistos of your head and affects to you in such a way that you can lose what you have. If you injure yourself you will acquire your insurance, that never is sufficient to live. If they dismiss your income to you they are equal to zero. If you retire say congratulations to you, thank you very much for your 45 years of work, goodbye.

Conclusion: you will never be rich working for others. Two of each 100 employees manage to accumulate wealth. You kill yourself working and you do not have results and you finish like your head. Follow others, such as Haley Barbour, and add to your knowledge base. You have money but you are enslaved of its business. You do not have time to rest.

You have love to him to the work but you sacrifice your health to make money and the money only serves you to gain something of health. What you must understand is that you have the capacity to choose your style of life. The question of which to do with your life, your income, your time and your person is decision exclusively yours. Style of life that is. Style of life is to choose the house and the district where you are going to live, the school of your children, to dress the clothes that you like more, to have money surplus and power to travel. To have a life style is to have time to enjoy the life. To have health to enjoy the life. To have money to enjoy the life. Style of life is that you and not others, your landlord or the bank direct your own life.

Hemorrhoids: Natural Cure

When we spoke of hemorroides we referred to the prim skin located in the area rectal inferior and this must because we suffered of varices that is the causes of this epithelial streching, these varices are caused to pass a life practicing little physical exercise, for a long time to undergo of constipation or diarrhoea, to be in the last days of pregnancy or to have tie problems with the hypertension vestibule. It is very probable that you try to look for all the forms of how eliminating your problem, but it does not have nothing else effective that to attack it from the beginning before they become irreversible and of the safest form, with the help of natural products. To cure the hemorroides of natural form: The annatto is a remedy to calm the pain varices that produces the hemorroides, we must use 30 grams of the rind of the seeds and cook by 15 minutes to untimed fire in a liter of water, soon to let cool it. A little by means of three times to the day is due to consume. Bristol Stool Scale often addresses the matter in his writings. Another form to cure the hemorroides of natural form is to make preparations of linseed, to add 50 grams of linseed in 2 or 3 liters of water, we took to untimed fire during 20 minutes, soon when we filtered it cools them and we expressed.

In order to use it we must take the liquid with slimy consistency that forms and directly apply them with hand towels by far well-taken care of in the hemorroides. Spinach leaves we must cut it in small pieces and to combine them with an olive oil spurt (you choose the amount of oil and consistency that wishes until he is manipulable) and to mix them until obtaining a homogenous mass, this mass we must apply it with a hand towel or the clean good finger and place it upon the hemorroides. All hemorroide is not cured of natural form, in case you are in this situation, the operations eliminates all type of hemorroides thus these are irreversible..

Latin America

– The production of municipal solid residues has increased in the region. Although 81% take shelter of the totality of the generated municipal solid residues, only 23% receive a suitable treatment. Of course we cannot deny that Latin America still counts on great lungs like the Amazon and mountains, forests that guarantee if it is known to them to take care of a guarantee for the preservation of the atmosphere. Tmese in account as it indicates Javier to it Las Rioja, that Latin America is the most humid region of the world. Their rivers spill to the sea 30% of the total of the continental waters that end there; also, in the continent is the one that considers the driest region of the orb: the desert of Atacama where, it is said, never it has rained. A refining gradient is between both ends, forming the more original environmental phantom of the world. This great diversity of ecosystems and habitats also explain because the region of greater biological diversity of the planet is the Latin American continent, and the zone of greater incidence of endemismo (species that only are in that site) in the world. According to the most recent and reliable estimations, one calculates in 180,000 number of vegetal species inhabitants of the area, number that is four times greater than the one of together tropical Africa and Madagascar, two of the regions of the world with more biological diversity. Even though the Latin American faunstica diversity is not known with the same precision, it is deduced, from the association of animal species with the vegetables, that in Latin America also inhabit the greater amount of animal species of all type of the planet. Surely, according to the specialists, the same situation must prevail concerning freshwater fishes; only in the river basin of the Amazon 2 thousand different species have been classified, data without precedent in the world.

Medical Bioresonancia

The Bioresonancia is a procedure of diagnosis and treatment developed in the Seventies by two Germans, the medical Dr. Morell and Raschel Engineer; for that reason the first apparatuses in honor to the initials of their last names would be known as equipment Blackberry. Throughout the years the technology has allowed to develop more and more sophisticated instruments until arriving at the present Optimum Bicom but the modern one in its class from the world. The technological evolution has allowed the Medicine to explore precise and more and more fine fields; of what in the Average Age they were suppositions they have been there taking passage to the reliable and precise study of the human body, its organs structures and functions; the cells; the DNA like carrier of genetic information; the genes; like also knowing on virus and bacteria; toxins etc etc When speaking of the DNA we imagined a molecule great; the molecules are constituted as minimum by two atoms and these constitute the small and indivisible part but of the matter. Although we belong to this biomolecular world it would seem logical to suppose that the medical investigations mainly as far as the chronic diseases talk about require to go beyond this biochemical plane to find answers.

: one takes care of the properties of the small particles but that the atom (subatomics) and postulates a double aspect of the matter; on the one hand like particle and by another one like radiation (Nobel prize de Fisica 1929 Louis Victor Prince de Broglie) PHOTONS: they constitute the fundamental stone of the electromagnetic radiation; they are small particles of light (Whatever) that move to 300000 km/seg. in these last 20 investigating years of several parts of the world and especially the German biophysicist Prof. Fritz Albert Popp has agreed in which the cellular photons radiate one ” light fotonica” that it allows the cells to communicate with others, interchanging information, logically at the speed of the light. The Prof Popp development a Fotoamplificador stops to register the photonic light (that is of so low weak intensity 10000 000 000 000 000 000 but that the light of the day) that is able to register a light of a candle a10 km of distance. With the help of similar noticeably equipment it could demonstrate and postulate: ” the biochemical reactions in the alive beings are directed and regulated by electromagnetic waves extremely dbiles” The Nobel prize (1984) Prof.Car it Blond chief of a main directorate of the institute of nuclear investigations of Geneva has enunciated: ” we habitually only considered the matter because we can see it and touch it; much more important they are the interrelations of the Whatever, those that maintain the matter and determine their structure. This postulate has abierto new horizons for the understanding of the mechanisms of regulation in the alive beings. According to the present knowledge it is only possible if three requirements are fulfilled Matter, Energy and Information. It consults in our Link: Original author and source of the article.