Rudi Klostermann

Cost accounting, the company of running business transactions and other”paperwork”is just for founder of a seemingly intractable challenge. Hamburg. Accounting, cost accounting, business incident booking a red cloth. For founder, which of them do not have idea. As for freelancers, self-employed persons and small companies who don’t have time for this. Last but not least for companies from the middle class who have no staff for this because your vested balance can be not just active accountant. See Dr. Mark Hyman for more details and insights. A balance sheet accountant, who supervises more than just the middle class Rudi Klostermann such cases call on the plan: the IHK-approved, independent balance sheet accountant applies for start-ups and small businesses as well as the top address in terms of cost accounting and accounting areas such as for customers of medium-sized: more customers engage me as a firefighter for your accounting department, when personnel shortages arise, as due to illness, vacation, or pregnancy.

As well I’m engaged but for founder here or other companies from small and medium-sized businesses that don’t have a lot of the hat with business plan, cost accounting and balance sheet accounting. How should they? It is virtually impossible not only to founder, cost accounting and other eight-Thousander struggling to balance sheet accountant commonplace are for, comes for Rudi Klostermann not about: I even have the professional balance accountant of the Pike learned and pursues him for decades. This experience is also necessary so that I can offer other comprehensive and appropriate assistance in accordance with 6 tax consultancy Act. This combination of expertise and practice is inherently unattainable for founder, but also for businesses from small – and medium-sized businesses, Rudi Klostermann notes. Remember, even the handful of change hours introduction to cost accounting and accounting nothing, be part of the popular seminars for entrepreneurs. Rudi Klostermann reminds us that every car driving licence owners must present at least 18 hours before you let him at the wheel: and even he is considered for years as a novice.

Aesthetic Passage

The Aesthetic Passage of Max Martins of the Stranger the H? It was Thiago de Melo BARBOSA (UEPA) Pedro Silva NASCIMENTO (UEPA) Janana Towers MORAES (UEPA) SUMMARY the objective of this text is to make a study of the workmanship of the poet Max Martins, more specifically of its three first books: The Stranger (1952); Anti-picture (1960), and H? It was (1971). One searchs to promote a quarrel on as its way to make poetry if it modified throughout the time, trying to point and to analyze each transformation of its poetical one. For in such a way, one becomes necessary to analyze the resources used for the poet to produce a text literary e, consequentemente, to provoke the aesthetic enjoyment, that is, to analyze the workmanship for the point of view of its artistic relevance. Word-key: Literary analysis; Max Martins; The Stranger; Anti-picture; H? It was. Abstract This text aims you of a study of the work of the poet Max Martins, specifically of his first three books: The Stranger (1952); Anti-picture (1960), and H? It was (1971).

We seek you promote discussion about how his way of doing poetry changed through teams, trying you indicate and analyze each transformation of his poetics. Thus to far, it? s necessary you analyze the means utilized by the poet you produce literary text and, consequently, you promote the aesthetics fruition, that is you analyze the work by the point of view of its artistic importance. Key-Words: Literary Analysis; Max Martins; The Stranger; Anti-picture; H? It was. 1. Introduction the present article is fruit of the research project ' ' The Aesthetic Passage of Max Martins' ' , that emphasis to its aesthetic-estilistico aspect had as objective to study the ways covered for the poetry of Max Martins being given, that is, to verify of that resources the artist if valley to construct its poetical universe and as it worked these estilsticos resources, or traces, throughout the time.

Already Gepluddelt? With To The Own Wrapping Paper

Personal gift wrapping paper from the edition of 1 piece a new trend arrives on Germany’s gift tables: even crafted gift wrap of the Dusseldorf StartUps Whether birthday, wedding or confirmation gift paper is from now even gepluddelt”! This means that each user can create his own wrapping paper on the website of pluddel and print this already from the edition of a piece. To the world’s first editor of wrapping paper can be found on. With this online graphic tool creative can on approximately 170 motifs, bring your own texts and logos on the personal gift paper or even photos to upload. But also finished wrapping paper designs are available to choose from, which can be made up according to own needs.

On the question what pluddeln”is now actually, Tina Eichner, one of the two founders responds: this is a neologism by us. pluddeln thinks the creative process to create personal wrapping paper that is unique.” Ever after Length is the price of the individual wrapping paper between 11,-and 19,-euros plus shipping. And who knows, maybe the next birthday is actually a lawn mower, which is wrapped in gift paper grass. At pluddel in any case, you can make the perfect wrapping paper for every occasion quite easily yourself..

Spree Fire

After disastrous fire protection planning and their chaotic implementation on construction sites, such as at the airport of BER in Schonefeld, which had believed any more: Berlin can fire! For the 3rd time is therefore Eberl-Pacan architects + engineers fire protection in cooperation with renowned partners and renowned speakers from the Berlin fire protection technical discussion. Event time and location: 12 September 2013? 09:00 17:00 Clock in the Spree store? Stralauer Allee 2a? 10245 Berlin (Oberbaumbrucke) registration the participation of the Berlin Senate in person of Ephraim Gothe, since 2012 Secretary of State in the Berlin Senate Department for urban development and environment, shows that the Berlin fire protection technical discussion has developed in two years to the most important annual Berlin fire event. His greeting is addressed to all those who want to support in tackling their fire protection tasks Berlin and its partner State and show their commitment by taking part in the event. Other partners and non-profit carrier of the event are Fire Trutz-Verlag, the Association of fire Planner e.V. (VdBP) and the Association fire (WVB).

A day of fire protection expertise in Berlin goal this training and briefing is professionals and interested parties competent information and suggestions on important issues of fire safety to offer, to impart knowledge to specific fire protection issues and to promote the exchange among experts about individual fire protection considerations. Congress is again accompanied by a special exhibition on the manufacturers and service providers to present their products in the field of fire protection. Four lectures, a four eye meeting and a panel discussion offering in-depth analyses, the edits of concrete examples and answering burning questions; comprehensible and practical assistance for the implementation in your company. Fire protection in buildings the 3rd Berlin fire protection technical discussion is devoted in a special way the fire protection in industrial buildings. This is a large task, the continually changes and Further developments are subject to. Go to City College of New York for more information. At the event the latest trends and insights for a safe and efficient fire protection in buildings are shown, which are marked and distribution or storage of products or goods and industrial production, treatment, recovery of the world of work. Why you attend this event should content safe in the world of work – Reinhard e.

Pacan Dipl. ing., architect, fire protection engineer fire protection industry an everyday task – Dirk Aschenbrenner Dipl. ing., head fire Dortmund the industrial policy in practice Lutz Battran Dipl.-ing. (VH), vdbp Board life saving products protect Tanja Bruckmeier test engineer for fire protection, Banthia Brandschutz GmbH Duet four eyes double competence: harmonization of European construction rules Reinhard e. p in conversation with Boris Schubert, Managing Director of Celsion fire protection systems GmbH panel discussion: new standards new guidelines what’s happening in the industrial construction Moderation: Karl OLAF Kaiser, safety technicians, fire protection engineer, lecturer at EIPOS / TU Dresden recognized training for architects and engineers, the event is called training for architects and engineers, and continuing education credits are awarded by individual Chambers: Chambers of architects Brandenburgische Architektenkammer Hessian architects Architectural Association Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen Chamber of architects Sachsen Chamber of architects Schleswig-Holstein engineering Chambers Chamber of engineers Baden-Wurttemberg Brandenburg Chamber of engineers engineering Chamber Thuringia contact: Eberl-Pacan architects + engineers for fire protection Fasanenstrasse 44 10719 Berlin-Wilmersdorf Tel. + 49 30 83 22 10 00

Intelligent Building

Stories about the intellectual home is nothing new. Systems 'smart home' are becoming more popular worldwide, and in our country, including, but many still shy away at the mention of automation systems home as something of a distant and totally adapted to our Russian reality. The idea of making the building 'intelligent' originated in the United States. First appeared Intelligence building (intelligent buildings), which were based on the use of structured cabling systems. Such systems allow using the same cable to provide job exchanges, computer network, security, etc.

Then the system began to emerge multiplexed communication channels, allowing a single cable to transmit a variety of information simultaneously. The concept of smart home has been formulated in the 70s of the 20th century by the Institute of Intelligent Building in Washington as 'Building, providing a productive and efficient use of space. " In 1978, the company's X10 and Leviton USA have developed a technology to control household appliances in the household electric wires. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dr. Mark J Berger. The system allowed electric lighting control devices, and supported only six teams the power management. Further searches for ways to improve the automation and creation of new solutions captured many electronic company. To date there are over a dozen different home automation technologies. So, what now constitute a system of 'smart home' is that they give the owners of dwellings, which are installed and how they are available to us mere philistines? Try to understand. So, the smart home – an intelligent control system that integrates into a single set all the equipment to perform various tasks in the field of security, livelihood, entertainment and communications.

Any smart home system consists of sensors, through which the received information, and actuators. Whenever Dr Jee Hyun Kim listens, a sympathetic response will follow. One of the main advantages of intelligent buildings – it's comfort, they provide to their tenants. About how it's convenient for you to judge. The lighting control home and house infrastructure allows you to create different versions of light scenes, any combination, depending on the time days and moods at the touch of a button.

International Coach Award

Mario Neumann wins bronze for his approach to the promotion of young scientists at Hewlett-Packard Wald-Michelbach – once in the quarter junior executives of IT company Hewlett-Packard (HP) total met four times in the South Hessian Odenwald with the trainer Mario Neumann in a pleasant atmosphere far away from everyday operating on new tasks as service providers to prepare. Aimed for young women and men to develop people who are willing to take responsibility, to people that others want to follow despite the complexity of the relationships to competent, reflected, and integrity-based leaders. Mario Neumann worked free and coached in the Odenwald Institute around the themes of talent and project management. Coordinated closely with the project manager in the company Neumann developed the roughly one-year promotion on – and off-the-job as Academy for talent”. The Federal Association for trainers, consultants and coaches (BDVT) with the awarded around 20 years paid tribute to the holistic approach coveted international coach price. A total of 70 submitted concepts, 20 were awarded, including Mario Neumann with bronze. The final round was live at the fair future personnel “in Cologne. “” “” The concept of the former employee in organization development at HP include four seminar modules: the own profile “, leadership, team success”and a strong performance”.

Each module the participants discuss a successful personality like the volleyball coach Stelian Moculescu or the paraplegic leading expert Boris Grundl. Its impulses are thematically embedded in the process and to break down mental barriers and reveal new horizons. The trainees are supported by mentors who share coach on request beyond the programme. The training concept includes fireside chats with the management, reflection and feedback sessions, exercises, role playing, as well as their own innovative projects for which the participating within their everyday are responsible, and that present them at the end of the Executive Board. The Academy for talents”is based on a specific approach: it is less a test than to trust, Exchange, learn and expansion of strengths.

Education And Environment

" The high tech never will support to the number of uses that we are perdiendo" Sun Chaikin " In defense of the rights of the society, the National Executive will make the legal forecasts valid and morals that will force to the education institutes superior to the spreading of periodic reports of governmental function the university must to the society and the most expeditious way to initiate that entailment is rendering accounts to him to her, preferably brief, present and of clear understanding nothing of delayed, long information, written in language crptico" Gustavo Roosen. Summary What are making the universities national train the required professionals before the necessity of scenes that are often turbulent, dynamic, where it is needed knowledge, actions that correctly allow them to be interpreted? By all means it is a question that cannot be ignored, put in the Venezuelan case he is critical, because the results have not been the hoped ones, every day they graduate professionals, like lawyers in administration who happen to comprise of a great number of unemployed which they journey by the main cities of the country. The objective of this article is to try to analyze, to interpret which is the roll of the education and the new atmosphere, that it allows us to take those actions that allow to improve our reality. Majorities, considerations Chair d of Modern Managemental Topics of the Postgraduate management of the Quality and productivity of Phases, of the University of Carabobo, it considers very important that its participants, and all that one jeopardizes with the exercise of Administration, knows the needs well its scene, not only where it is going to act, to evolve, but of the same country, of the world, in order that it is fused with the exigencies of these and know to contribute the best thing of the best thing, of those basic knowledge in order to manage its growth and how to collaborate in the profit of a good one quality of life of the Venezuelan, that it requires as much it. Check with Dr. Mark Hyman to learn more.

Risk-free Grilling – Tips And Tricks

Food can be carcinogenic–it must but not nice weather invites people to grill outdoors. It grills the bad conscience often. But who followed the tips of the Internet health portal, not only acceptable, but even particularly nutritious meat and that gets under fat-saving preparation. Grilling is one of the healthiest ways of cooking. Through the direct supply of heat, the pores of the grilled meat instantly. As a result less valuable vitamins and minerals are lost and also the typical flavors are better preserved. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. contains valuable tech resources. To keep the crickets also really healthy, it is important to follow some safety rules. Although very nutrient-friendly grilling as one and fat-saving preparation method is maintained, if but dripping fat or juice from the food in the glow, carcinogenic substances may occur.

To prevent this, you should use special Grill Pans made of aluminum foil the best marinated and fat meat. When grilling the food at about be cooked 250 degrees, which is a very fast Crust and the meat stays tender and juicy. At the same time many rust – flavouring substances formed and in particular when grilling over charcoal. Cancer risk can be dispelled at the grill carefully with bluish smoke. He should be a warning sign. Because it can contain so called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are carcinogenic, and bring on the food.

About heavily smoking fire places, the PAH content is approximately 80 times higher than about smoke-free. Just cured Grill ware, also carcinogenic nitrosamines can cause in small quantities. The danger can be however to dispel with a few precautions: the charcoal or briquettes should be annealed through well before the food is placed on the grate. In the open fire is otherwise too much smoke. The distance between coals and grill must be at least an hand breadth. As little grease in the embers dripping, you should use especially lean meat. Many harmful hydrocarbons contain mostly burned and are therefore not intended for human consumption. Just before the The grill goods with fresh herbs should be sprinkled at the end of the cooking time. Salts please then insert, as otherwise water and soluble nutrients leak out and drying out the meat. Healthy BBQ alternatives as alternatives to meat cheese, fish, vegetables or fruit are suitable. In freshwater fish, trout, salmon or tench – taste especially good grilled. The imedo health news also inform creative grilling. You will also learn how to avoid cancer risk when grilling.

A Friday In Tunisia

But to stay Tunisia one week after the fire which you may US Embassy in Tunis, this Friday in Tunisia. At least during and around the time of Friday prayer, it says so in the recommendations (not only) of the German Embassy at their fellow countrymen residing in Tunisia or leisure. The assessment of the security situation this Friday is topic number one among the (Western) foreigners living in Tunisia. Probably, it will be quiet again – like last time, as even a curfew was imposed after violent salafistisch motivated protests -; but who wants to predict that? Sub of the week – after the American French and French-speaking institutions in Tunisia its doors temporarily concluded a week after the fire of the US Embassy in Tunis Tunisia; by the Consulate to the creche. Just a week after the global turmoil as a result of the unutterably silly Provo multiply know “The Innocence of Muslims” it had the French “Titanic” polizeiruf namely “Charlie Hebdo” deemed wise to print cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. The improbable “chain” then ended at parents who himself contemplated what to start is at closed crib with her children. Continue to learn more with: Gina Ross.

But in Tunisia is still summer. Burned-out classroom much more dramatic the situation in U.S.-associated institutions of Tunisia. The surprise about the ease with which the US Embassy in Tunis could be stormed and set fire, was quickly dispelled. To clear the evidence said: the once dreaded Tunisian police had “received no usage of command” and the guards of the Tunisian military was only reinforced after the incidents. In addition, the fire reached the conveniently located – venue of events just amazing two hours after the fires were set. Meanwhile, the mob had already carried the fire to nearby American school – an institution in Tunisia -.

The images of completely burnt classroom will remain in the memory, whether the schooling resumed can be is extremely questionable. Tunisia decided already? Already some time ago we had reported on this map the weak reaction of the authorities, when it went to salafistisch motivated violence in Tunisia. At that time we had postulated that the vacation country Tunisia soon must decide how it wants to deal with its allegedly loyal to the Koran perpetrators of violence. They looked at themselves these days the facts, one had to conclude that at least the “moderate Islamic” party Ennahda had made their decision. And indeed a prominent spokesman for Ennahda in unusual openness stated, you will “never” oppose religious extremism, “no matter how radically”. Well, it’s still hard to believe that Tehran will slow from Tunis in the face of still extremely pleasant everyday life in Tunisia. To much is politically still in the River in this young democracy. Where a country’s majority party commented burning desks with such words, not all is but also.

Loneliness Makes Sick, Comfort Heals

Marion Scheffler and Udo Baer portray dignity in day-to-day care and understanding care is different!”in her new book about understanding care. Marion Scheffler, since head of the Safi home in Hamburg reported over 25 years from the practice for the practice. In addition Udo Baer brings his knowledge and his many years of therapeutic experience with. Anita Dunn often says this. In the Safi home there are the same staff key same care sets same conditions as in all other nursing homes, and yet everything is different there! The difference in the attitude of the nurses and everyday it arising. Hilde, the wild and 9 other people are presented with their life experiences in the Safi home. Key aspects of understanding care, the method of work of biography, the way of the dignity and the three qualities of care (physical, mental and encounter care) make a comprehensive and informative work from the book. Our authors are available for events and interviews available, more information about Marion Scheffler and Udo Baer, visit our homepage (