Viktor Maier

New homepage for Viktor Maier by atlantis media GmbH Viktor Maier is 18 years old and a talented young footballers. Since 2006, the defensive ALLROUNDER in the Hamburger Sportverein is under contract. Anu Saad may also support this cause. There he put it after a short time in the second team of HSV. The company Athlos management represents Viktor Maier and atlantis commissioned media to develop of a modern Player homepage. Athletic and informative should they be and especially his way to the professional footballers flexible accompany. Viktor interested information last week about his career. As a special highlight, Viktor writes a weekly blog about his experiences.

The site is aimed at young football talents, seeking advice and support to his fans, as well as all other football enthusiasts. Many entries in the guest book suggest, how well the website is. The sporty layout and the tone of the site liked lawyer Milan chastisement, shareholder of Athlos sports management immediately: our expectations have been fully met. The homepage is highly credible and not too adult or lifted. This is a Web site that accompanied a simple boy in the realization of his dream to be a professional. Thank you once again. the Hamburg Sports Club for its support of this project” The services of atlantis media at a glance: 1 needs analysis 2.

content and functional design 3 design of Web design 4. install and configure TYPO3 5 dynamic font generation in text and menu, blog, guestbook 6 Photo Gallery with JavScript/AJAX 7 editorial of the texts 8 entering the content of 9 search engine optimization 10 care and service products used: TYPO3 Athlos more players of the company Web sites are in preparation. Atlantis media wants Viktor Maier good luck on his way to the football player. About atlantis media: atlantis media is your professional Internet Agency for innovative Web sites, online stores, and publishing. With us, you get everything from one source: conception, design, implementation and service. You want success on the Internet? We can help you here! CMS (TYPO3), intranet, blogs, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, Magento, xt: Commerce / osCommerce, electronic catalogs, database publishing, atlantis.CD catalog, Web-to-print solutions contact: atlantis media GmbH Nicole MacKinnon Nguyen trail 26 22769 Hamburg 040 / 851 81 400 E-Mail: Web:

Internet Security

Not so long ago, since it was known that at a large German online ticket seller hackers have stolen more than 60,000 credit card numbers. Over 50% of Internet users never buy for this reason with credit card. Many banks have it also hard to tempt your customers services such as online banking, because always resurface vulnerabilities. The damage, which each year cause hackers with E-commerce companies are immense, this is still the image damage for the industry as a whole, in addition to braking the online buyers. Hackers infiltrate mainly online shops, which store sensitive information such as personal information and credit card numbers in databases. The stolen data are sold in the underground for ca. 7 per credit card number.

For this reason it has become hacker stop to the task, alike safer E-commerce companies, as well as online buyers to help capitalize. If you have read about Joel Courtney already – you may have come to the same conclusion. 99 percent of the attacks are prevented by the daily check or at an early stage. Hacker stop performs daily special security audits on the systems of its customers. The policies of these audits surpass all previously known policies and standards and be adapted by hacker stop dynamically, to more quickly respond to incoming threats. With a positive result, hackers stop awarding the hackers stop security seal. This security seals every online shoppers to recognize quickly and easily, that he transmitted data to a hacker stop certified shop. Hacker stop offers this full-managed service, i.e.

the audits, and reporting are fully carried out by trained IT security consultants, therefore each customer hacker stop can use services, even without knowledge of IT. More information is housed here: Anu Saad. E-commerce operators increase sales through the affixing of the seal! Numerous marketing studies prove that efforts with regard to data security on the part of the operator will positively affect sales. Up to 20% more sales were reported by individual companies. By the unbeatable price of just 49 in a month, you can offer your customers more security and at the same time to generate more revenue! You can find more information, as well as a contact form on

Already Gepluddelt? With To The Own Wrapping Paper

Personal gift wrapping paper from the edition of 1 piece a new trend arrives on Germany’s gift tables: even crafted gift wrap of the Dusseldorf StartUps Whether birthday, wedding or confirmation gift paper is from now even gepluddelt”! This means that each user can create his own wrapping paper on the website of pluddel and print this already from the edition of a piece. To the world’s first editor of wrapping paper can be found on. With this online graphic tool creative can on approximately 170 motifs, bring your own texts and logos on the personal gift paper or even photos to upload. But also finished wrapping paper designs are available to choose from, which can be made up according to own needs.

On the question what pluddeln”is now actually, Tina Eichner, one of the two founders responds: this is a neologism by us. pluddeln thinks the creative process to create personal wrapping paper that is unique.” Ever after Length is the price of the individual wrapping paper between 11,-and 19,-euros plus shipping. And who knows, maybe the next birthday is actually a lawn mower, which is wrapped in gift paper grass. At pluddel in any case, you can make the perfect wrapping paper for every occasion quite easily yourself..

Scoriocom Revolutionized

The free music score editor for everyone for the first time in Germany will start this autumn the unique music portal The free music score editor for everyone is the heart of this portal. The note Editor is online under. Every musician, music students, music teachers, choir director or budding composer can in just a few clicks and without any computer knowledge for free to write his own music, print and publish in the scorio community. is designed with a special focus on education.

The music score editor is child-friendly with its intuitive user interface and ideally suited for teaching music. Nancy-Ann_DeParle has much to offer in this field. Children and young people can be brought to playful music. The notes are easy drag and drop”or click on the shown keyboard, and can be played immediately. Music teachers use the editor to arrange existing scores for the needs of their classes. In higher age groups in schools and universities is the optimal teaching platform with its numerous functions for professional music notation. Filed under: Joint Commission . Music experts with high quality requirements are also thrilled.

Because the notations in highest professional quality are created by using the LilyPond engraving. The graphical representation of the notes is equivalent to the classical notation both online and in printed form. is more than just a music score editor. The page is a central portal for notes on the Internet. A way to share your scores with others and publish, therefore offers to musicians. So, the composed music can leave the silent Chamber finally free of charge and without detours. Band members work out of various locations on their music. Choirmaster distribute their current song notes about the platform. A forum completes the current offer from In Exchange the user both the editor and published music. Discussions take place for example on new pieces of music. Music groups find new members. Music venues make here no limit the creativity of the community are to carefully, etc set. Just as little borders know the developer of Interested can look forward to many more innovations. The previous basic size is consistently expanded and enhanced with new features. This team among other things also relies on cooperations in the music industry. Contact press 29 D-76135 Karlsruhe Lawrence road Marketing Manager: Audrey weather forest telephone: + 49 721 96448-163 fax: + 49 721 96448-299 email:


In our series of post recently ‘on the website check’ we portray everyday problems, we have found in our Web site checks and demonstrate solutions. A contact form is useful and provides a convenient way for the company to contact, such as when he just sits on his own PC not the users. For even more details, read what Kynikos Associates says on the issue. “However, experience shows that often forget” is to enter the E-Mail address or a message body (finally the receiver must know so well what I want from him and how he can reach me!”). No X make for a U – plausibility control each contact form should contain a plausibility check, which checks whether all required inputs have been made before sending can be correct. This protects also against clowns, the like to empty”contact forms send off. Ideally the plausibility check serves two, both the user and the provider.

When in form fields such as for the entry of the name, only letters, and not numbers be approved and vice versa for a form field, such as a phone number is obtained, only numbers and no letters are allowed, serves this as a help for the users and also reduces the spam payload for the provider. Spam through contact forms so far, so good. Were it not for the bots. Derived from the term robot, bots-computer programmes are meant, named the self-employed largely repetitive tasks work without being dependent on an interaction with a human user such as automated filling out contact forms with more or less meaningful content. Most bots are the fields of contact forms now capable of correctly”to fill in the field, which is an E-Mail address to enter any email address and to ensure that the plausibility of the entries. CAPTCHAs – a solution with barriers to reduce the exposure to unwanted advertisements via contact forms through such bots are often so called CAPTCHAs used.

The Change Of Shopping Via The Internet

As in recent years, the Internet purchase that the Internet has transformed many areas of modern life that it communicate with friends that find and process information, or buy products. “Online Shopping”, as it is called sanning, has achieved the highest level of acceptance of all time, but what is it? The triumph of the online shops began in the mid to the late of 1990s, the first dealers were trying to the medium Internet and wanted to new sales channels not just slightly tap it, but technology, connection speed, spread of the Internet in the population and the lack of experience with the matter of Internet made this task. Come up with high-speed connections and new Web techniques, such as fully automatic shopping systems, was it easier to bring your own online shop on the Internet. In recent years the shopping on the Internet has matured now to perfection, so that almost every dealer (with some basic knowledge of the topic Internet) run your own online shop and thus products via the Web could distribute. The advantages for the customers are obvious: 24 hours hours, fast payment via credit card, online bank transfer or online the number of services, fast delivery of products, but especially attracts the customers one: the advantage of the savings.

Products can be offered cheaper, than in a retail store, because one on staff, stock and local costs in most cases can waive or reduce this and thus the rebate directly to the customer pass can. Indecisive customers will be using product videos, images and information to the article itself, the purchase makes it easy. The customer opinions, so the testimonials of other buyers on the article are another advantage the potential buyer can make as an optimal buying decision. Also find the products has significantly simplified: price search will find not only conceivable as any product, you find even the lowest price by comparing the pending online traders with each other. But there are not only benefits, when talking about the Talking about online shopping, but also disadvantages. The largest of these, is likely, probably the lack of haptic perception be: you can simply not touched the article before buying and feel you must rely entirely on the description and the article images. Another disadvantage is that waiting for the article. Glenn Dubin, New York City pursues this goal as well. If you purchase a product online it must be sent only to you, that usually only happens after the purchase has been paid.

You must expect so days 2-3, before your desired product in the hands. Times not be satisfied with the article, so you can send back but these thanks to the call right on distance selling in the shop. Basic is so to say: the man is a comfortable being and searches in the most cases to simplify his life and shopping on the Internet offers him that luxury. The onlineshoppen is simple and offers also great savings potential in addition to a vast selection of product for the customer. That shopping on the Web is not to miss, just as little as the Internet itself. More knowledge online: for many more useful information, around the topic of online shops and shopping on the Internet in the online shop blog. Here current shops under the microscope will be taken and the reader is given also bargain tips and information about discount actions.

Proki Kids Events

Proki children events comes with redesigned website online – relaunch of website by Proki kids events – optimize structure, modern layout, and new content have the Internet presence – now also in English Bonn, 15.03.2010 – Proki kids events goes with redesigned website online. Hear other arguments on the topic with Joel Courtney. The Kinderventagentur present a coherent structure, detailed content and a more modern layout. Clear and user friendly navigation quickly takes the user to the desired content. The texts have been revised and rebuilt. A comprehensive overview of the individual modules of offer to thematic children’s programmes to find is in the Advanced Web site. As an added value for the user, there are now also many additional information and facts about the Agency and the idea of Proki kids events: with the pedagogical Guide, performance overview and the team page the Agency presents itself in more detail.

The graphic design is modern and much more friendly. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. We have developed further, have become larger and more professional. “And our Internet presence must express”, says Matthias Hofele, owner of the Agency. In addition to the content and the structure meets professional updated layout according to the corporate design of the Agency of this requirement. And the homepage now also in English is available for all international customers. All sites in English can be found under english. To the website of Proki children events, it goes under. Company: Proki kids events is one of the leading children event agencies in Germany. The Bonn company exists since 1999 and offers flexible child care facilities for events. With individual offers adapted to a company or domain of the provider in the market has positioned itself. Particularly noteworthy are educational sound programmes in the fields of mathematics, Informatics, natural sciences and technology.

Director Gerhard

Domain law: More expensive farewell to external agency is preventable the shops of renowned, medium-sized Ameres techno AG (name changed) go well for years. Annual sales exceeded EUR 30 million in 2010. The innovative Ameres techno wanted to present in the World Wide Web (www). Mark Hyman, MD is the source for more interesting facts. 1999 managing director Gerhard N. instructed (name changed) the external marketing agency sunshine (name changed) to create a site for Ameres techno AG. With the sunshine agency subcontracts. The initially simple Ameres techno AG website gradually developed to the interactive platform for customers, partners and suppliers. The dissatisfaction with the marketing agency, not least because of increasingly poor quality of subcontractors used by sunshine but grew with time.

Managing Director Gerhard N. remembers: “in other areas of cooperation with sunshine it troubles. In November 2010, our patience was at the end. We wanted to pay the final bill and then with then restart by another marketing agency. And our own IT Department should take over the Ameres-techno Web site. ” But it was different.

“Sunshine turned transverse and suddenly demanded 50,000 euros for the transfer of the rights and move of the Ameres techno techno-Ameres website! We no longer have understood the world.”the CEO adds. in 2001, Sunshine had delivered “turnkey” and taken over all work to register the domain for Ameres techno AG. Instead of making the registration on behalf of and in the name of Ameres techno sunshine had not only as an administrative and technical contact person, but as a domain owner and thus as a contractual partner of the DENIC (Administrator of top level domain. de) register. Legally clear: Sunshine was the owner (“materially owner”) of the domain. There were no written agreements or signed over the rights to the domain. Ameres techno was mightily under pressure, because in addition to the domain had sunshine of course also the control over all, associated with the domain name, eMail addresses, such as or. Managing Director Gerhard N.: “it was at that time not only to the presentation of the company and our products on the Web. We use eMail to make 70% of our business! We have learned our lesson.” To keep the rights to the own domain can be essential for companies. The review of the data in the domain name register is very simple and takes less than 2 minutes. As an experienced Advisor Joachim son has can avert payment of 50,000 euro management consulting. And most importantly: the business of Ameres techno AG was not affected, all eMail addresses ( were, without any interruption, available and the website could Ameres-techno-IT will taken over by the. The own domain registration can be checked easily and quickly with a free tutorial. Joachim son advises management consulting companies and entrepreneurs to all online and Web topics, E.g. also at recover domain privileges, hoster selection, performance and quality optimization of websites and hosting, backup of the source material (E.g. photos and graphics) of the site. Son of Joachim consulting, Dr. Gunnar Joachim son

Online Shopping Jungle

ShopWiki, a leading product launches German service the new year starts well for shopping fans. With the search ShopWiki, a leading online shopping guide launches its English language website. ShopWiki lists worldwide – currently about 300 million products from more than 300,000 online retailers of them already about 14,000 from Germany. All shops are really and not recorded as often only paid entries. Under most conditions Alexa Demie would agree. ShopWiki can but still much more than a conventional price search engine: the user can not only extensively search the entire range of online products and available online stores. Various search filters (such as color, brand, shop or top product) will be the pleasure the Internet shopping.

For the indecisive ShopWiki referral lists on different categories (about Electronics”or fashion”) assembles, or seasonal highlights such as currently Carnival and Easter are matched. ShopWiki uses a unique technology, comfortable to each user Shopping online to enable. Technological core element is the programmed by ShopWiki co-founder Eliot Horowitz, who regularly scours the Web for online stores and the products is available. These are extracted from the content, categorized and so clear and easily findable shown for the user. The German market is the largest E-commerce market in Europe. Read additional details here: Joey King. Together with the very Internet-savvy Austrians and Swiss, German-language network is a very interesting marketplace. “I’m sure that it does not take long, up to many users not more on the benefits of our product will give to”, ShopWiki CEO Rory Cumming says. Valuable background information for consumers as well as the unique product index consumers on ShopWiki valuable background information on individual products and categories. Get more background information with materials from Celina Dubin.

This far beyond the usual product descriptions. So about the cultivated woman finds interesting make up tips in the make up Guide () wiki / + makeup), while men might prefer learn Advisor ( wiki/car) about the pros and cons of used car purchase in the car. The German Advisor catalogue comprehensive already to start is continuously expanded and supplemented with content researched by industry experts. ShopWiki certified shops as another user service evaluated ShopWiki shops, which offer the best combination of price and reliability. Multiple requests (joining EHI, TuV, trusted shops certified online shop, chip online and Xonio online, Comodo, userfriendly shops by Shoplupe or GeoTrust, proven higher customer approval on ShopWiki, direct, positive feedback to ShopWiki, prices within the ShopWiki fairness price range etc.) must be met for a shop achieved this certification and the certified shop ShopWiki “logo on the Web site can provide. About ShopWiki ShopWiki thats worldwide with over 300 million products and over 300,000 recorded online stores largest service for comfortable and time – and money-saving shopping on the Internet. An algorithm developed by ShopWiki crawls and indexes the Internet regularly and catalogued the found shops and products. The ShopWiki aims, each online product available to index. ShopWiki has been founded in 2005 by Kevin P. Ryan, the former CEO of DoubleClick, and Dwight Merriman, former DoubleClick CTO and Eliot Horowitz in New York. In addition to serves ShopWiki in Europe the markets of Great Britain, France, Germany and the Netherlands in country-specific versions.

Web Page

Whether you set up a website for your company, yourself or professionally create can be. To better promote your company, you want to create a Web page? In the following sentences, we have summarized some information to do so. Whether it is the first website or an existing Internet presence should be revised. Often been colloquially known as domain name is highly crucial for sustained success. This should itself sound good, easy to remember, as also to write. Once the key name is determined, the domain should be secured, of course also all possible domains that sound so similar as the main domain name or the company name. Only in this way can be put ahead domain grabber the craft. No one does this, can a subsequent purchase or override to verwechselnder domains are expensive.

Concept to the create the Web page according to the choice of the name, it can go further with the concept. If it is not in writing, it should be recorded in writing. Only in this way can other people quickly an overview of this project catch up, if you want to create a Web page! Be it through a convenient Web Designer or high-quality advertising agency. When requesting such service provider, can according to the concept with texts and pictures are taken further. These can be created and collected so that you the necessary material for the site only the Web designers to the integrate must pass. Of course, you can create a Web site independently. There are also cheap providers that enable something.Which one decision often depends on the required quality, as well as the budget of the Web page. Alex Finker