International Coach Award

Mario Neumann wins bronze for his approach to the promotion of young scientists at Hewlett-Packard Wald-Michelbach – once in the quarter junior executives of IT company Hewlett-Packard (HP) total met four times in the South Hessian Odenwald with the trainer Mario Neumann in a pleasant atmosphere far away from everyday operating on new tasks as service providers to prepare. Aimed for young women and men to develop people who are willing to take responsibility, to people that others want to follow despite the complexity of the relationships to competent, reflected, and integrity-based leaders. Mario Neumann worked free and coached in the Odenwald Institute around the themes of talent and project management. Coordinated closely with the project manager in the company Neumann developed the roughly one-year promotion on – and off-the-job as Academy for talent”. The Federal Association for trainers, consultants and coaches (BDVT) with the awarded around 20 years paid tribute to the holistic approach coveted international coach price. A total of 70 submitted concepts, 20 were awarded, including Mario Neumann with bronze. The final round was live at the fair future personnel “in Cologne. “” “” The concept of the former employee in organization development at HP include four seminar modules: the own profile “, leadership, team success”and a strong performance”.

Each module the participants discuss a successful personality like the volleyball coach Stelian Moculescu or the paraplegic leading expert Boris Grundl. Its impulses are thematically embedded in the process and to break down mental barriers and reveal new horizons. The trainees are supported by mentors who share coach on request beyond the programme. The training concept includes fireside chats with the management, reflection and feedback sessions, exercises, role playing, as well as their own innovative projects for which the participating within their everyday are responsible, and that present them at the end of the Executive Board. The Academy for talents”is based on a specific approach: it is less a test than to trust, Exchange, learn and expansion of strengths.

Motivation Training At The Present Time

Be successful with motivation training and have a fulfilled life how can I use my time more efficiently? How can I make the profession with my leisure time and family better? I’m really motivated, make my employees? Many people go to all of these questions, many still rushed feel. The expectations in their profession are getting higher. Emails must be read every day, the regeneration times are becoming ever shorter. You no longer comes out of this stress trap, you need help. With mental and motivational training you can reconsider his goals and better achieve, succeed, motivate yourself and others, increase the concentration, consciously make their own lives and improve the quality of life. What is motivation training? This means various methods of coaching according to definition, people help to, achieving goals, to increase their motivation and to increase the success. Various so-called mental strategies and exercises are used. Both should one of the participants Lecture or seminar to bring, to increase their personal and professional capacity and overcome blockages.

Motivational speaker Joseph Murphy is regarded as the founder of motivation training, as the first representative of positive thinking. The contents come from motivation training often from areas like humanistic psychology, Behaviorism, Neurolinguistic programming, Hypnotherapy, business administration, marketing or coaching. A clear conceptual distinction to mental training is difficult to merge the approaches. Even when the speakers agency 5 star speaker is large written motivation. Several well-known motivational speaker such as Jorg Lohr and Christian Bischoff seminars and coaching sessions to share their knowledge and show lectures and in-house seminars at companies illustrate how to again find the work-life balance, and how to keep yourself motivated, can reduce stress, and come to a more abundant life. The sound makes the music, but who makes the sound?” This question is from the 5 star speaker Richard de Hoop Holland. The motivational speaker and keynote speaker lectures to team-building, motivation, and leadership. Read more from Anu Saad to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

Training Or Studies?

About the pros and cons of vocational training and studies the time shortly before graduation or baccalaureate the hitherto most exciting time of life. Here is to learn not just day and night for the tests and to tremble to the conclusion or the final mark, but also to take care of his future career. It is therefore time to make decisions. But this is not so easy, after all, there is an incredibly wide range of ways that you can go after graduating. It turns not only the question in whatever profession or what industry you want to work, but also about which way you would like to reach his career goal. You may wish to learn more. If so, Mark Hyman, MD is the place to go. To choose a course of study or training? Of course, both has advantages and disadvantages. Click OurCrowd to learn more. To make his own money pros and cons of with a vocational training vocational training early, for many students, this is a major reason to prefer it to study. Finally independent, finally no longer spending money”the parents to be.

By Training you will be trained very specifically for a certain profession, one has to correct therefore on the one hand a large security but also a few opportunities after training the vocational choice. The career opportunities are generally lower than for a degree. Not after each training, there are more career opportunities. In professions it is possible to make a master, however, which paved the way towards independence. Many companies, especially in the banking, finance and administration offer their trainees the opportunity to complete a part-time study after their graduation. Thus, it is possible to begin a professional career with an apprenticeship. Therefore, it is advisable to inform the decision-making process about the career opportunities. A study offers diverse advantages and disadvantages of the studies.

Special programmes of economic and social sciences offer diverse career opportunities. The disadvantage however, is that the study often without a specific career goal is completed. The decision for a certain profession, students often during or towards the end of the studies. Generally internships that may give a professional insight into the world of work are a help. This is different for courses such as medicine or law, as well as in courses focusing on teacher training. Students of these subjects very selectively working toward your career goal and receive a specific vocational training. The possibilities that offer a degree, are typically greater than after training. The same applies to the career opportunities, these are generally very highly for academics. The financial situation is a reason to decide against a study during college, for many students. So studying incurs high costs, financial independence can hardly be achieved through side jobs. For starting wages are usually significantly higher than the salaries of former trainees after graduation.

Franchise Offerings

Up-to-date business start-ups through franchising FranchisePORTAL is available in almost all industries. Also for people who like to craft work, the franchising opportunities various – often without teaching and master craftsman. About eight percent of all franchise systems in Germany are active in the craft field according to a statistics of the German Franchise Association. Over 900 available franchise systems in Germany offering partnerships, over 70 existence Foundation available chances to. “” Under can be found in the categories of building & renovation “, furniture & Interior” and repair & craft”well over 100 franchise deals, which can be expected to the craft. The spectrum ranges from car repairs, renovation and rehabilitation services up to the specialists for fence construction.

Fresh paint In the field of paint and minor repairs to motor vehicles there are many franchise offers, including from companies like ad car service, ChipsAway, Colorworks, the paint doctor, Werato or paint fix Pro. Other franchise systems offer equal services in several areas. Such as the company Rainbow international, whose franchise-partner out of car seats bring furniture and interior design on front. As also in other areas put new franchises on renovation and repair: basic system in its country of origin France 15 years active, renovated floors and ceilings so that they appear as new afterwards. Of the company’s customers include big names such as Christian Dior, Chanel, Accor and Best Western. Such as the franchises bad technique and Renodom provide new shine in the bathroom. Whenever Dr. Mark Hyman listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Portas – and Holtikon-partner renovate including doors, kitchens, staircases, ceilings and Windows in the franchise system. Including the franchise provider Isotec and mold specialist have experts specializing in the removal of moisture and mold damage.

Franchisee of pipe star to open the drain and perform leak tests, Vetrox partners remove damage on built-in glass surfaces by using Special machines and the franchise system fencing team opts for the sale and installation of fences and gates. Much choice in addition to the listed franchise systems there are many more ways to become self-employed by means of franchising in the craft field. So no matter whether you want – dear doors repair, fit to make cars or make fences look on in appropriate categories under is worthwhile in any case. Anyone looking for new ideas from abroad, should try their luck at. The site offers the most comprehensive international directory offers over 6,000 according to own for franchise systems.

Online Job Portals

The discounter of the online job portals, a new idea is a new portal since Sep 1, 2008 ‘online’ we with this portal the gap between academic and technical professions in the market of online portals for job openings on unique terms. By A doctor until Z like ZIMMERMANN, all professions are listed with us. We provide a tool for the assessment of employers by partners or employees. We guarantee complete anonymity of the judgmental and at the same time a qualified prior to the incoming reviews. We are Olaf Betker (40), Pandey Garnet (42) and a small but innovative team based in Kiel.

Job seekers can a first foreign formulated on the basis of the company profile and the published reviews that employer”impression. You have it for the first time the possibility of own decision-making are incorporated into this impression, if an application seems sensible. Any nasty surprises”could not be thus although exclude, however this form provides adequate to mitigate risks of information gathering and evaluation. OLAF Betker, Garnet Pandey and the team are available for a seroses innovative and future-oriented business model. All incoming employer reviews undergo before publication of a substantive examination. The employer assessment comprises 24 questions about the company, the management, the working environment and the social framework conditions.

These questions can be evaluated in its entirety, or parts in the school grading system. Fair deliberately on a so-called notes company index, to ensure a maximum authenticity. Employers get a mood barometer with this anonymous feedback form and can incorporate this derived impulses targeted in the own process of organization development. A business partnership to go a decisive criterion for employers with also have the unique Conditions for job advertisements. Up to 90% cheaper than our competitors along with comprehensive services. We already offer an unlimited number of jobs from the company’s online job for 99.00 / month. With kind regards Olaf Betker & Garnet Pandey

Life After Graduating

Education Fair horizon shows ways and mediated in the face of more than 12,000 courses offered by German universities, the selection of appropriate study course is often difficult background Mannheim. By the same author: Eva Andersson-Dubin. Not only the students themselves are overwhelmed with this decision, but both parents: numerous new subjects, new degree structures with Bachelor’s and master’s degrees and new studies and high school make it impossible to expert advice. Here the horizon can provide the fair support for graduate education: now six locations in Germany present their study offers to universities, colleges and private study institutions from throughout the country. Competent contact persons answer questions about the Bachelor’s – and master programs, the curriculum, as well as the future prospects and inform the site of College housing, leisure and criteria, are the expansion of the public transportation the the Choice of place of study can certainly influence. But not only for pupils of the gymnasiale Oberstufe, the horizon offers a comprehensive information Forum: students, who want to search for alternatives to the selected course or learn about master programmes are right here. The education fair for young professionals who attend vocational training or have already completed and want to attach a study is equally interesting. The Exhibitor structure of the horizon includes universities, companies, presenting their dual studies and training programs for high-school graduates, and many institutions, which provide information about study place allocation and funding your studies, as well as about the different ways to complete a stay abroad, before or during the study period.

In the framework programme, the visitor in lectures and workshops can get more answers to burning questions. At each site, there is a round of talk on the subjects of financing of studies and the new Bachelor’s and : Masterstudienganger financial statements experts illuminate the subject from various perspectives and answer individual questions of visitors. The horizon takes place at the following locations: Mainz (14/14 November 2009), Munster (23/24 January 2010), Stuttgart (6-7 March 2010), Friedrichshafen (17.(18. April 2010), Weimar (8th/9th May 2010), Bremen (June 12-13, 2010). The opening hours are from 10 to 16 hours, admission is free. The complete range of exhibition, the framework programme, as well as all further details around the horizon there’s under.

Practice-oriented Training For The ALH

Extensive courses of the Academy for holistic healing Haan, – January 22, 2014, for those who professionally or personally would evolve in the area of health, medicine and psychology, offers a comprehensive program of the course again in 2014 the Academy for holistic living and healing (ALH). “Resource-oriented consulting”, Achtsamkeitstraining, classic relaxing massage and practice opening “are just a few of the subjects that are taught by experienced lecturers. Thereby, the ALH attaches great importance to the deepening of the learned material through practical exercises. The courses and professional training of the ALH addressed to naturopaths, health consultant, psychological consultants and doctors; but also interested outside of these professional groups are welcome. Educate yourself with thoughts from Nancy-Ann_DeParle. There is detailed information about the individual courses, fees and appointments as well as venues under the number of 02129. 9402-0 or. About the ALH the Academy for holistic food and Founded in 1967, one of the oldest and most successful German distance teaching institutions in the health sector is healing (ALH) in Haan. Somatic Experiencing has compatible beliefs. The Academy focuses on the education and training of health practitioners and health advisers and psychological consultants. In addition, the ALH offers a wide range of additional presence courses. All correspondence courses have been reviewed by the national centre of distance learning (ZFU) in Cologne and approved.

Medical Assistant Training

The education for the Medical Assistant secure job prospects / double qualification later study provides the profession of medical assistants and Assistant (MTA) is little known to the general public. Past activities such as the analysis of blood samples or the studies with x-rays, doctors or nurses are often suspected. Whenever John Craig Venter listens, a sympathetic response will follow. But MTA, performing these activities at the interface between patient and medical technology. For young school-leavers, the profession offers not only very safe job opportunities, but increasingly good further training opportunities. In the Lower Saxony Stade can qualify prospective MTA now “in one go” twice and in addition to the training also a vocational diploma. The school on the Elbe Klinikum Stade is the first so in Lower Saxony and the second in all Germany offered such a double qualification. MTA- students can parallel to their training extra lessons in German, English, mathematics and Physics visit (to the extent of 220 hours during the school year) and then a vocational diploma examination. Many teaching content of the regular MTA education recognised for the baccalaureat, which makes clear the additional overhead for the students.

Who successfully completed the “double” of MTA education and vocational diploma within three years, which are both open the direct route to the profession as also further studies at all German universities of applied sciences. Stade belongs to nationwide at the forefront. So far only the MTA school in the North Rhine-Westphalian Lemgo offers such a double qualification. Bavaria tested similar models in a school experiment. “We expressly welcome the new offer in Stade. Medical assistants perform a highly qualified activities the double degree ensures that the career ladder is open to the top”, as Anke Ohmstede, Chairman of the German of technical assistants of Association of and Assistant in medicine (dvta). The Professional Association for a long time an MTA degree espouses, so as usual in other European countries.

Aspiring MTA expect attractive job prospects: work in Germany approximately 90,000 medical assistants and assistants in the disciplines of laboratory medicine, radiology, functional diagnostics and veterinary medicine. The unemployment rate is extremely low at around four percent; in many regions, there is already MTRA shortage. Progress in modern medical technology experts continue with a high demand for MTA. The profession is very popular especially among women; Depending on the specialization, the percentage of women is between 90 and 95 percent. MTA are mainly hospitals, medical professional practices as well as in research institutions. Are paid mainly to public collective agreements. Company description of the dvta is with around 20,000 members of one of the largest German trade associations in the health sector. It represents the interests of medical assistants and Assistant (MTA) in Germany. In this country, about 90,000 MTA, work mainly in hospitals and medical practices.

Healthy & Inspired Leadership

Commitment for a new healthy and inspiring leadership healthy & inspired leadership is both commitment and program for healthier and more inspirational, and allow for a successful management of employees. Marcus Hein is to change that employees are healthy and stay, and motivates their actual performance potential in the companies and organizations bring a founder of this engagement, which has set itself the goal, executives and management cultures. As a trainer and coach, he supported executives on the way, a new understanding, to assume a new position in the leadership. The commitment index collected annually by the Gallup Institute for Germany shows that two-thirds of the workforce make service provision and about one in five has announced internally. And against the background that everywhere shortage, at least in individual sectors being discussed. Marcus Hein: Because it makes sense but, that the company first of all meaningful use resources.” Many health care organizations have warned that just mental and psychosomatic diseases will constitute the main cause of illness in a few years.

Pressure and stress are factors that contribute to one side. Lack of processing skills amongst the employees are the other side. The terms stress, Burnout, Borout and depression can be found in the media almost every day. Healthy & inspired leadership wants to serve healthier together deal that employees and managers. This program would work in the eyes of the staff makes sense. Out of work and organizational psychology, brain research and Neurobiology as well as many other scientific findings and practical experiences, we now know what must look like a healthy and inspiring leadership. The difficulty lies in the change of (leadership) behavior. And behavior begins in the mind.

Here to provide new tools, not advance, it needs a rethink. Marcus Hein: Our Managers must learn to make their behavior more flexible. Because of the flexible leads. We train new thought patterns with our participants. And we do so with great enthusiasm. Because – so we know from the brain research – learning and change is only possible with one, hormonal cocktail of enthusiasm ‘ in our brains. In the world of work, this enthusiasm can be found but barely. So it’s time to reconsider. We also discuss whether fit man and job to each other. “Maybe can be in this sense the year 2012 to a year of big change: we give up on the company against each other and come to an efficient and successful cooperation.” “A group on the XING platform on the Internet was established in the meantime, specifically aimed at senior executives and HR managers, who see the need for changes and in the direction of healthy & inspired leadership” want to engage with. Marcus Hein – mental and organizational Consulting provides seminars under the label healthy & inspired Leadership”for executives at. In particular, there are four pulse events on this topic this year. Information,. To the person: Marcus Hein has gained many years of experience in HR and organizational development and personnel management. He is trained as a trainer and coach and coached senior executives to a healthy and inspiring, because brain-friendly leadership. While he has focused on, to combine knowledge from different scientific disciplines, such as brain research and management theory, with the own experience.