Education And Environment

" The high tech never will support to the number of uses that we are perdiendo" Sun Chaikin " In defense of the rights of the society, the National Executive will make the legal forecasts valid and morals that will force to the education institutes superior to the spreading of periodic reports of governmental function the university must to the society and the most expeditious way to initiate that entailment is rendering accounts to him to her, preferably brief, present and of clear understanding nothing of delayed, long information, written in language crptico" Gustavo Roosen. Summary What are making the universities national train the required professionals before the necessity of scenes that are often turbulent, dynamic, where it is needed knowledge, actions that correctly allow them to be interpreted? By all means it is a question that cannot be ignored, put in the Venezuelan case he is critical, because the results have not been the hoped ones, every day they graduate professionals, like lawyers in administration who happen to comprise of a great number of unemployed which they journey by the main cities of the country. The objective of this article is to try to analyze, to interpret which is the roll of the education and the new atmosphere, that it allows us to take those actions that allow to improve our reality. Majorities, considerations Chair d of Modern Managemental Topics of the Postgraduate management of the Quality and productivity of Phases, of the University of Carabobo, it considers very important that its participants, and all that one jeopardizes with the exercise of Administration, knows the needs well its scene, not only where it is going to act, to evolve, but of the same country, of the world, in order that it is fused with the exigencies of these and know to contribute the best thing of the best thing, of those basic knowledge in order to manage its growth and how to collaborate in the profit of a good one quality of life of the Venezuelan, that it requires as much it. Check with Dr. Mark Hyman to learn more.