WELTEC BIOPOWER To Build Plant In France

WELTEC BIOPOWER’s early 2012 with the construction of a 526-kilowatts biogas plant in French Saint Nicolas Tertre, in the Brittany region 100 kilometres northwest of Nantes started. The fermentation tanks are fed with pig manure, waste from the food industry, renewable raw materials and intermediate crops for energy use. Provides the location for the plant, the farmer and operator delivers the agricultural substrates. Joey King may also support this cause. The waste heat produced by the bio-gas plant will be used the fermentation rest drying on the one hand and on the other hand used for supplying heat in his 60 metres from Piggeries. Heat usage by 70 percent (without boarding fermenter, heat), the CHP bonus is four cents per kilowatt hour in France, so is the feed-in tariff for a 500-kilowatt system on a total of 17 cents.

In France, the single power law guarantees that the State 15 years decreases electricity from biogas plants at a guaranteed price. In the power range from 150 to 250 and 600 kilowatts to 1 megawatt are in France currently several biogas plants involving WELTEC BIOPOWER in the construction and planning. Speaking candidly Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE told us the story. By privileged construction law, the Declaration”, many plants are constructed in the country, consume less than 30 tonnes of agricultural substrates per day. So a permit of the biogas plant achieved in four to six months. Obtaining the approval of systems according to the German immission protection procedure (authorisation”) may take up to 18 months. Considering the available resources to reason, France during the construction of biogas plants is restrained. The European bio-gas Association EBA has summarized the expansion targets of some EU countries for the biogas production of electricity by 2020: Italy wants to 1,200 megawatts of electrical power from biogas have installed, Britain 1,100 and Poland 980. The Netherlands aim 639, France at 625, and the Czech Republic 417 megawatts. Unchallenged, Germany (3,796 megawatts) is located at the top of this scenario. Measured at the organic level potential for power generation in the Country are available, use the Netherlands only about 5 percent 68 percent, Germany 25, Poland 19 and France energetically.

Central Trinidad

Excursion in the hustle and bustle of Ant Colony who picnic goes at these pleasant temperatures with friends or in the outdoor swimming pool on the lawn, she meets guaranteed: bustling ants galore. But even if their nimble legs can sometimes unpleasant Tickle and even bite red forest ants, you should not be able to demonize the tiny. Because who consciously dealing with the complex system of an Ant Colony and meet their amazing skills, will be fascinated. A weightlifter is weak against it! The tremendous strength of an Ant, many have already heard safely. Even the best weightlifter is a weakling! Because the six-legged creatures with the tripartite bodies can lift up to one hundred times of their own weight. A 75 kilogram man would so lift a 7.5-ton truck to lift the same weight as an Ant! Also the estimate that total ten thousand trillion ants on the Earth live is almost unbelievable. Together they weigh more than the entire world population and make around 15% of the animal biomass on the planet out. And who would have thought that ants circulate worldwide even more ground as the earthworms known commonly as extremely useful? Universe ants inhabit a glass city hallmark of ants is their way of life: you join together in colonies.

Only they are able to survive. An isolated individual would perish within days. This complex system of life can be observed especially well in the universe of Bremen, where around 650,000 leaf-cutting ants from the Central Trinidad in a glass building of Ant life. Busy the animals up to 12 millimeters wide pursuing their tasks, get food, maintain the young and eliminate waste. As in the great outdoors, are the different areas of the life of the leaf-cutting ants in the universe strictly separated: there’s a glass lining ball, the ball of a nest and a garbage ball.


In everyday natural forces properly use – put together by Polaris how practical renewable energy in people’s everyday lives, which is an ancient knowledge. Source: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. It falls increasingly into oblivion. “New household appliances and artificial AIDS to displace the old home remedies ‘ which at the same time save energy supports energy transformation can be, and”, says Florian Henle, co-founder of the independent green energy company Polaris. Therefore, it has now dug out Polaris and shows six examples of how everyone in various everyday situations can use 100 percent renewable energy sources: Tip 1: Sun instead of stain remover with the power of the Sun can easily fight carrots -, bell peppers and other vegetables and grass stains. To wash the clothes and wet lay in the Sun. And already, the stain is gone after a few hours. The trick works on all organic stains. And if they are particularly stubborn, a few splashes of distribute lemon juice on it before washing.

Tip 2: wind instead of dryers and irons Who dries the linen in the wind, which saves time and costs. Because out there getting a little wind is blowing, the water molecules disappear usually faster lining as in the drying room. In comparison to the dryer air drying is not necessarily faster, but for low-cost: typical dryers consume per drying cycle up to four kilowatt hours electricity caused the extrapolated to the year round at a Zweipersonenhaus 70 euro per year. Important: Shaded areas are better to dry than the strong sunlight. You makes the laundry harder and can cause discoloration. Tip 3: rain barrel or collectors instead of tap water is a precious commodity in everyday life.

In the summer, if you must pour the garden or balcony daily, it is worth to collect rain water. But the rain water is suitable not only for casting. Because it contains no lime, it possesses a higher cleaner than tap water.


On the energy island of the GIH and the Bavarian energy e.V. turns it to the topic of interfaces in the construction”. “” “The exhibition will be accompanied by high-profile conferences such as for example the 2nd green building Conference: building with wood” which carried out together with the cluster forestry and wood in Bavaria, the cooperation forum will energetic building renovation trends 2009 “, in cooperation with Bayern Innovativ GmbH and the Bavarian Energy Forum, the Conference innovative insulation products: vacuum insulation” from the GIH building energy consultant engineers craftsmen Bundesverband e.V, building the future – modern ventilation systems for energy saving and optimal living quality “”, organized by the Chamber of crafts of Swabia, as well as the workshop new EnEV”, organized by the Bavarian construction of Chamber of engineering. Abraham Maslow shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In addition to fair and Congress a wide free lecture programme the visitors. “On Saturday, the BAKA-is successful FORUM practice building on tour” continued.

Many free “Lectures on the subject of refurbishment renovation and modernisation”, as well as quality of life with a future “offer for planners, architects and energy consultants an opportunity of continuing education and training. In addition the BAKA-market square takes place on all four days of the fair building in the stock directly to the Forum. Here, professional consultations, rehabilitation and modernization projects, directly to practical solutions are offering the visitors. On Sunday, the BAYERNEnergie e.V. renovation lecture series organized the initiative.

but the right!”and aimed with many tips and tricks specifically to homeowners. A special forum of exhibitors in the exhibition hall provides many more free lectures. The RENEXPO 2009, international trade fair for renewable energy and energy efficiency in construction and renovation celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. It will be held September 24-27, 2009 in the trade fair Augsburg. For information about the exhibition, the congresses and the free lecture series, see.