Sacrificial Surface

Why primer, what is its function? Primer – a group of materials that constitute a suspension of pigments or their mixtures with fillers in a film-forming substance. Primer after drying forms an opaque uniform film. Primer (impregnating composition) – is necessary and important component 'tool' general repairs. The main purpose of the primer: to strengthen the surface and provide high-quality bond (adhesion) machined surface and subsequent layers of decorative, adhesive or leveling composition. Learn more at: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Particles of this composition, very small and penetrate into the pores of the material, close them, reinforce the base, glue the smallest dust and micro-delamination. Thereby achieving a uniform surface.

Primers on a special 'responsibility': a multi-layer surface finish, they form the first layer – high strength – so to primers imposed very strict requirements. Speaking candidly Joey King told us the story. In this regard, experts recommend using only professional primer. There are several types of primers. – Helps to hide stains and discolored areas on the coated surface – Reduces the smell of paint – Improve contact with a surface coating – Improves shine gloss coatings / enamels – Let's apply the lighter colors on darker surfaces – Align porous surfaces – Make a smooth and uniform coating There are several types of primers: – Insulating primer provide a low permeability of the film, preventing the penetration of moisture, corrosive environments to the painted surface to GF-021 suit. Usually, such a primer is added iron minium, zinc oxide (zinc oxide), and others – contain passivating primer composed of pigments that can passivate the metal. This is primarily a variety of chromates and phosphates, which when administered in the primer, even in small quantities on the surface of the metal forms a protective oxide film that prevents corrosion coating such as CS-059. – Sacrificial primers contain a of up to 90% of the metallic pigments (powders of zinc, zinc alloy with magnesium, lead). Protection of metal primer tread due to the fact that when in contact with the electrolyte material paint containing zinc powder, cemented zinc corrosion products, forming a compact layer of the film, which becomes impenetrable.

– Phosphating primers used for phosphating surfaces of ferrous and nonferrous metals such as FL-03K primer. Primers facilitate the passivation of metal phosphating and it greatly increases the adhesion of the film, as the blacks, and to the non-ferrous metals. – Primers, Rust converters are applied directly on the surface, which is not removed the corrosion products (rust, scale). The composition of primers include phosphoric acid, which makes these products in the insoluble phosphates of iron. These primers together with transformation creates rust on the surface of a polymer film that gives corrosion resistance throughout the coating. Priming should be done at all stages of finishing. To cover is strong enough and reliable ground must have the same absorbency, this quality provides the foundation primer, applied before each new layer of material. Priming of the same must hold before painting works (painting on primed surface better and more economical). Primers are applied to the base before applying the next layer of finish, with paint brush or roller, in a or several layers – depending on the properties of the workpiece. Thus, in a very loose footing with large water absorption, such as aerated concrete, we recommend double or multiple coating to a uniform film across the work surface. Using a primer will provide you cover beautiful appearance and long-lasting intense color.

Intelligent Building

Stories about the intellectual home is nothing new. Systems 'smart home' are becoming more popular worldwide, and in our country, including, but many still shy away at the mention of automation systems home as something of a distant and totally adapted to our Russian reality. The idea of making the building 'intelligent' originated in the United States. First appeared Intelligence building (intelligent buildings), which were based on the use of structured cabling systems. Such systems allow using the same cable to provide job exchanges, computer network, security, etc.

Then the system began to emerge multiplexed communication channels, allowing a single cable to transmit a variety of information simultaneously. The concept of smart home has been formulated in the 70s of the 20th century by the Institute of Intelligent Building in Washington as 'Building, providing a productive and efficient use of space. " In 1978, the company's X10 and Leviton USA have developed a technology to control household appliances in the household electric wires. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dr. Mark J Berger. The system allowed electric lighting control devices, and supported only six teams the power management. Further searches for ways to improve the automation and creation of new solutions captured many electronic company. To date there are over a dozen different home automation technologies. So, what now constitute a system of 'smart home' is that they give the owners of dwellings, which are installed and how they are available to us mere philistines? Try to understand. So, the smart home – an intelligent control system that integrates into a single set all the equipment to perform various tasks in the field of security, livelihood, entertainment and communications.

Any smart home system consists of sensors, through which the received information, and actuators. Whenever Dr Jee Hyun Kim listens, a sympathetic response will follow. One of the main advantages of intelligent buildings – it's comfort, they provide to their tenants. About how it's convenient for you to judge. The lighting control home and house infrastructure allows you to create different versions of light scenes, any combination, depending on the time days and moods at the touch of a button.

Interior Design Moscow New Standards

Throughout his life changed a lot, go out of my head the old-esteem and are new rules that are changeable and the feelings and choices of society. Touched coups and the appearance of the interior. Products made of velvet, self-indulgence, conviviality, which were typical for the era of Napoleon, now replaced by moderate, but the functional elements. Suppose a design office or interior design, nothing hinders creativity of its expert case, resulting in a captivating look fun masterly light and shadow, a set of colors and combination of functionality and sophistication in the environment. There are several features of the presence of a new interior design. Design office – it long-only, quiet atmosphere along for the sake of the team perfectly, without any reason and individually to any of its members, so in the first place before the personification of a multitude of years a similar project should be weighed, how the interior will help employee productivity.

Desire to present your home an unusual, striking, in some way, even haunting her guests – that pursues the latest appearance of the interior. Uninitiated, the individual will not make trouble erred in so splendid a variety of styles, clusters within more than one century, and the choice of materials, including any in the state to behold what melts chest, but it makes look in his pocket. And so, the interior design of Moscow – is essentially the embodiment of habitation in the most daring ideas that address our sustainable life with you, it's also a combination of style and comfort, pride, because with his head held high allowable to say: This thou canst not know of any one place. Design project – is the primary leaves. It includes: calculations, drawings, paintings and sketches, various documentation on these and other cost design of the project is determined solely by you, because that is just the professional you are trying to post a special look at what you want to see an apartment or villa within. Loyal fan will come to address this issue with all scrupulousness dopytaet you everything, every item you will be chewed with only one purpose: to get what they want. The external appearance and interior design office with one hand something commonplace, something that we've learned that surrounds us You, but with a party slays the grace and style, combining elements of the environment and decor, and a desire to brighten our lives is not bright due to variegated smears on the walls, comfort and refinement, in which we are sometimes so need.

Primordial Builders

As yet sometimes limited our view of things! Stone is one of the oldest decorative materials, precious gift handed to Nature primordial builders. For thousands of years before they were built of white marble palaces, its furnished our house, a man called to the aid of a stone. And almost immediately discovered a fantastic variety of this material. Thousands of shapes, textures, colors allows the master to create Ancient stone complex patterns, creating a mosaic, blessed with the future tenants unfading splendor and magnificence of interiors. Mosaic, glass mosaic in our day incredibly many faces.

In principle, in terms of plain common sense, rational Labour Organization and so on, high-quality mosaic – a catastrophe. Can not understand why make the image less complicated way. Specifically trying not invent a more inappropriate way of expressing the beautiful design than put it out of the individual stones. So what is behind it is some other, mysterious logic. You lose everything, but you win forever. Playful mosaic attracts, enchants, sometimes mesmerizing …

Chic Glass mosaic is not exposed to time. It does not fade. It does not change. It just is. Mosaic-maker lives in other ways over time. For assistance, try visiting OurCrowd. A thousand years ago, making a mosaic, he creates today product, which shines just unreal novelty. Making a mosaic of today, he takes the same materials that were taken for a thousand years ago, and collects from them now. Word of mosaic and stained glass of many confused, causing the memory images of palaces, cathedrals and other stately buildings, comes to mind Roman Empire, with its wall mosaics, which used smalt most brilliant colors and gilding. Remains of this lush decorating came to us and distinguish between clumsy images of famous Roman athletes. Rough simplified interpretation of figures and hard evidence paints a sharp decline of artistic taste. Everything indicates that in the history of Rome State witnesses of one of the darkest pages of saturated political repression, threatening to push the art into the background and slow down their development for many years. Today, production techniques Mosaic has leaped forward in technological terms, increased production capabilities, expanded color palette, improved tools and methods of treatment. Increased artistic possibilities of mosaic. Remained unchanged importantly, ceramic mosaic art – alive, happy, and delights mosaic, mosaic expands and enriches our perception of the world, glass mosaic opens and conquer new horizons in interior design and architecture. And, of course, elite mosaics are still expensive and luxurious.

Swing Garden

swing. Summers on the nature of children can not go to their favorite playgrounds. Many parents equip their children for calamity areas in exactly at their sites. At times this may be the whole children's sports complexes with swings, slides. At times, it is rather a playground with a house, a sandpit. Adding to this set of childish and electric pool, there is no doubt exactly bored child in the country will not. Let's try gather swing? Manufacture of garden swing made of metal not only asks the skill to work with the welder and plumbing skills, but also great taste in art. Prior to swing in the garden looks nice but only forged or cast metal parts with different "curls", and ornaments.

Metal pipes or rectangular profile for these products do not apply. Therefore easier to make such a garden swing made of wood. In difference of metal, wood's always in perfect harmony with the landscape in any form. All the more why the need ordinary planks and beams, Coy sold in abundance at any building materials market. Length the longest parts swing does not exceed 3 meters, and their magnitude is not large.

And they can be gently brought to the country at least on the trunk of an ordinary passenger avtomobilya.Rassmotrim few simple options for garden swing – sofas. Sofa itself is a really ordinary garden bench, a little but without legs. The length of the swing seat should be about 170-200 cm, as if it could lie down. Width – approximately 50 cm But back in the swing better make higher, 60-75 cm and at a comfortable angle, why would it have been nice to otkinutsya.Lavochka (sofa) is to that extent. From bar 50 x 50 mm rectangular frame is going to 50 x 200 cm swing. Her stuffed smoothly ostrugannye strips (20-25 mm of board thickness). The width of strips depends on the willingness of the master. Who is like the narrow, someone is wide … Just as in so well done and back. Both frames are joined on one edge, metal corners and angle of the backrest is fixed with a help of armrests. Can proceed to the next. Kohl is the existence of thick plywood, then you can cut out of it intact bokovinki shop. And reiki stuff on them. However, it will deprive your ability to adjust the backrest.