The Development Of Torpedo Boats In The Nineteenth And Twentieth Century

The development of the torpedo boats began around 18-19 century, with the advent of contact, and later self-propelled torpedoes. Let us look into the past and will draw conclusions about the origin of the torpedo boats. Somatic Experiencing describes an additional similar source. Different materials, different sources, but most agree that they have appeared owing to sea mines. Why sea mines? Quite simply, if there is a weapon – you need support. Development began in the 18-19 age but has not reached the required level. That's why experts say the successful use of the torpedo boats with only the 20th century, to be more precise, since 1917.

When examining a man who sees everything, he noted that during this time. WWI War. That is, it was the British boat company, "Thorneycroft." This model is also called the "40-foot boat." However, they did not bring enough Vysokovo result in atttake as their followers, "the 55-foot boat." They were first applied June 17, 1919, this time against the Baltic Fleet of the USSR. Then the development of several torpedo boats sank, not because of the fact that there was no development opportunities, and because of the lack of reasons. Speaking candidly Dr. Mark J Berger told us the story. However, when I started to mature opportunity.

World War II. Dramatically increased the number of light military equipment in general, especially in the USSR, including torpedo boats. Each country of the enemy or the allies had their torpedo boats. Each had its advantages – higher development, lower, and depending on the economic and political situation of the country. So in England – it was MTV – speed 37 knot, 533-mm single-tube torpedo launchers, 2-3 machine gun caliber 7,62-12,7 mm, up to 4 depth charges. In Germany – S-Boot., Displacement of 115 tons, length 34.95 m, speed 40 knots, armament two 533-mm torpedo tubes and two 20 mm anti-aircraft gun. The Soviet boat was in first place in = the basic criteria. G-5 – had a displacement of 17 tons, length of 20 m, speed over 50 knots, was armed with two 533-mm torpedoes (torpedo in the trenches) and two 7.62-mm or 12.7 mm machine guns. And, of course, the main technical development of the country today – the United States. Boat type PT 103 – 50 tons displacement, length of 24 m, speed 45 knots, four 533-mm single-tube torpedo launchers, a 12.7-mm machine guns and 40mm anti-aircraft machine guns. But the war ended, and development was halted a few. Why? Because the missiles came, but his application was more effectively. Many countries have refused torpedo boats completely and forever in favor of the missile. Only a few continued to use the boat – the USSR, Germany, Norway, Sweden, China, Israel, but times have changed, so it is now no longer had to attack the enemy has changed and the application – motor torpedo boats were used as patrol, control of light forces, and submarines. Just changed characteristics. The post-war boat was move more slowly – 42 knots, tonnage 268 tons, a length of 38.6 m, four 533-mm single-tube torpedo tubes (torpedoes '53-56 '), 2 twin automatic gun mount AK-230 (30mm). But at the same time, there were boats with missile-torpedo armament. K end of the 20th century almost eradicated torpedo boats themselves – around the world there are only 162 rocket-torpedo, "clean" – 47. And the loss continues …


In the noisy surf the reflection of light of a new day. Sun in the sky again, and in the air and summer around here I am. All sparkling green hue in the distance the sound of silence. A perfect top of the sky with a blue rim overflow. Single again open spaces immense beauty around.

I love this time – a solid unreality of our dreams! … Learn more at: Dr. Mark Hyman. At some points, which occur in our life, we must make certain decisions. These decisions are not always the only correct, but they must take it! It is not surprising that for some groups of people, these solutions are a complete surprise. Particularly unexpected that happens when a person is successful! All understand it and think Hit them in the same situation – they all would have been different. They would not only improve the already super condition, but also would make the "reserve" for the future. So when you are at this point decide to withdraw from these conditions and start all over again – they begin to twist his fingers to his temple, or appear sincere regret.

True motives no one knows, but everyone understands that this circumstance: forced, pushed, forced to … … Visit Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. for more clarity on the issue. What about you? You allow yourself to leave. Leave from some internal tensions associated with successful control. But the more successful these circumstances, the more resources are involved in the maintenance of THEM. At the same time as you are sailing with no wind – just standing there, ie as a result You are almost always looking for the wind to "go" onward and upward.

Guarneri Violins

Violin magical musical instrument singing human voice. How magichna her music, as mysterious and magichno its manufacture. How to find a violin maker in Kiev and Ukraine, which will advise and repair violin, viola, cello? What criteria guide the choice of a violin for a child, just a beginner learning to play the stringed bowed instrument, or an adult who has decided to master the game stringed instrument of the soul. Where can I go to buy a tool or vice versa to sell? The problem of selecting and repairing a violin has always been a matter requiring serious multi-tiered approach. In today's world There is a huge selection of violins from cheap Chinese-made up of rare masterpieces of famous artists. Scientists around the world have not agreed where and when the birth occurred string-bow instrument. Turning to the later period of the evolution of stringed instruments can be argued that the modern violin evolved from the violas, very widespread in Europe during the Middle Ages. The process of forming the violin was held in parallel in different countries, its final completion of the classical violin family instruments received in the mid-16th century in Italy and began to replace preceding them bowed instruments all over Europe.

One of the first images of the bow instrument appeared in the first half of the 11th century fresco of Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. The centuries-long history of development violin playing has produced not only a talented new manufacturers of violins, but no less important and famous restorers such as Vuillaume, Spidla, Vitachek. The legendary keeper of the collection and expert musical instruments, author of "Essays on the History MANUFACTURING Bow instruments' EF Vitachek trained skill manufacturing and repair violins in Kiev with his uncle, F. Spidla. At Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn you will find additional information. Today in the world There are many well-known organizations and companies involved in the restoration and repair of instruments of violin family of different levels, from Antonio Stradivari, Guarneri del Gesu, Amati Nicolo to ordinary violin mass factory production. Stringed bowed instrument requires regular routine maintenance and repairs, ongoing monitoring of technical condition and sound. The emergence of many breakdowns and defects can be prevent the timely inspection of a violin maker, restorer. Repairs violins, viola, cello or violin should produce a professional artist and restorer who has appropriate experience and authority in among musicians. The process of restoration, repair and maintenance of instruments of violin family of co-creation is a living violin maker, musician, performer and teacher, learning to play the instrument. We will be happy help to buy, fix and sell the violin, viola, cello, double bass, bows to him in Kiev and Ukraine, as well as advise on matters relating to the selection and purchase of strings, rosin, accessories and carrying cases.

Sports Skating

stand on their feet, the baby is immediately on the skis. That is, I really ran pretty well. And how much I did not convince our fizruka that in life did not deal in any sport, not in what he did not believe and thought I was just lying and Philo, for which I strongly disliked, and whenever possible, try to write to any competition. Once at the gym class, he built the group and announced that no one leaves the room, while forward will not go five, to be involved in the Olympics, the closing of the winter season, competed in speed skating. Fifteen minutes later my consciences reminded me that at the age of three years, I figured were presented skates and I was, as far as I remember, quite cheerfully they skated. In general, we had accumulated such a command and a few days later we went to compete. I was hoping that if will be given a figure skates, I somehow remember how they can run.

Not far from it. Skates they gave us a hefty, long, like skiing – cross country. A leading source for info: Mental Health Care. I got them in the locker room, and my legs are formed immediately inward blades in hand. Hmm … "Probably need to practice before the races" – I thought, and went on the ice.

Locker room was located very conveniently, it kept the ice track, which immediately ended the deadlock. For more information see Celina Dubin. I invented this method of exercise: sets foot flat, pushed herself from the railing stairs, on pure ice … "Girls, – I beg – I rolled up to the launch, please." The girls took me to the two sides under the arms and rolled to the launch. And there just the previous race starts. I recall that was already March, the heat melted the ice. And I can see that carefully walked on the wet track. When I approached the finish line, the referee is not looking at the stopwatch, but only once angrily shouted: "You can go faster?" "I can not, there's wet" – I said, shuffling his shoes turned inside out. Here after this incident I decided that someday I will write his memoirs, "My Life in Sports."

French Versailles

Labyrinths, as before, and today, represent a rather enigmatic design with millions of lines entangled. The oldest and most famous of these was a maze built in Crete for the mythical creation Minotaur. Fashion for the maze has not ceased to be relevant and to the present. Only now the most urgent creation of 'live' mazes. In Europe today, is quite popular creation of parks and gardens with a large intersection between alleys.

Wealthy people often create very similar in the garden areas and their suburbs. Fashion on the European continent to such enigmatic structures have never ceased to be popular. So, gardens, labyrinths in French Versailles residence, attracted the attention of the international community. Thousands of paths intertwined, not given to people trapped in a long time to get out of it. They are very much relished European nobility. even the Pope Clement X, borrowing the idea of French green maze, recreating something like that, and at his villa Altieri, which was situated near Rome.

Its very teshilo, when all his court staff went into these labyrinths of his order, and for a long time could not get out on their own. "Live" mazes have always been a place of magic in Europeans gather the forces of nature, which did not give out to those who randomly or specifically got into them. It was believed that the wall of shrubs and trees may have to restructure themselves, than their last hope of a blind prisoners. In our time, "live" labyrinths in Europe have attracted much attention tourists. The largest of the maze in the world that is today in the garden of English castle Blenheim, all year attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. Of course, completely lost in these mazes in the 21st century not allow any equipment or guides. But the thrill of intellectual tasks and there is always enough. Source –