Dust Diseases

Dust – a small solid particles with a diameter of about 0.0005 mm. What are these tiny particles can be harmful to us? Household dust is made up of particles of clothing, bedding, furniture, curtains, carpet lint, and many household items. Thus may cause various diseases and allergic reactions that can occur as a simple cold, so strong and suffocation. Dust is a favorable breeding ground for staph and streptokokkofyh bacteria in the human body. Once in the intestine, can cause diseases such as gstrit, goiter, ulcers. Also, dust can cause a decrease in immunity, which also leads to frequent colds, fatigue, malaise. Dust affects the respiratory system, immune, nervous system, skin and eyes.

But the most unpleasant that house dust contains mites dermatofagoidnye, which feed on scales down human skin. For example in a gram of dust, their bed is up to 500 and possibly more individuals. And they are so small that they can not be found. We can therefore say that the bed is a haven for ticks, since it has a favorable atmosphere for their livelihoods. The number of diseases that occur under the influence of dust is growing every day.

What is the rules should be followed to reduce the risk of disease from the dust. First, no hang heavy curtains, ventilate the room, especially in sunny weather, which will help make the air drier. Low humidity affects the mites. Second bed linen, night pajamas, change every week. In the summer dry bed on the balcony or, if possible on the street. Upholstered furniture, mattresses, rugs, slippers, brush it once a week vacuuming. Do as much as possible vlazhkuyu clean, damp wipe furniture from dust. The dust content can be reduced by using special hoods and choosing the appropriate vacuum cleaner bags, which do not allow the dust. More people just need personal hygiene. Please do not forget about it. Try to take a daily shower and change underwear.

Sustainable Development

Of one it forms more critical the proposals of the Desenvolvimentosustentvel, Macedo (apud I REBEL, 1998, P. 17 and 18) describes: The paradigmtica crisis that involves sustentabilidadepercorre three decades without if pass of the rhetoric for the practical one. The momentoatual is configured as one transistion moment, therefore we attend a frenesicultural, with systematic espocar of new philosophies, theories and ideologies, that conform, without a doubt the amplest cultural mosaic identified nahistria human being (that) it possesss some interesting particularitities (e) acapacidade of convergence in some aspects that them are basic: the melhoriada quality of life of the man, the conservation of the environment, operacionalizaodo will and the right to information. In this development the life of planetacomo is involved in such a way the set of the interactions and interdependences understood in ciclosbio-geo-chemistries beyond the ecological processes which the humanarepresenta life only one part. When it is treated to assure the ambient citizenship, noentendimento of Maimon (1993), one of the objectives central offices of the desenvolvimentosustentvel, does not intend to defend that the society human being precisenecessariamente to stop with the development economic, this if faznecessrio not to prevent the ambient damages. She is necessary to think about the desenvolvimentoeconmico, but of form that is ambiently sustainable, that is, not secontraponha to the ambient citizenship. The development understands processes of related growth and detroca between itself that they express an aspiration for a sociedademelhor.