Food And Emotions

"Well, looking back, I think I felt so sad, a kind of emptiness often dark void inside. And you know what – that's when I started eating lots of bread with tons of butter and ordered the desert! I did not realize it was in response to that feeling of emptiness that I like! "" So the sad feeling of emptiness is what you feel when you judge. Judge himself is an inner abandonment, so that your inner child, so lonely, sad and empty. You are telling your child that he is not good enough. OurCrowd pursues this goal as well. I know you do not do this with their real children, but does so much with you, right? "" Yes, I think that makes it all the time. Having judged myself for not knowing the answer, then I thought to myself by eating too much and have desert. And then I felt worse. Gain insight and clarity with Herbalife. "So what do you expect to judge for yourself? "I guess I hoped I could control my eating and get to work harder for me not forget things." "There seems to be working." "It makes me feel bad.

In fact, I can see that judging myself for not knowing the answer made me feel so bad that he wanted to eat more. Instead of giving me more control, gave me less!" "So you're trying to have control on itself through self-judgments, but what really happens is that you feel bad and addictive behave to avoid pain. I think what also happens is that some of you get into the resistance to being judged and told what to do, so they end up doing the opposite of what is said you should do. "" Good. As soon as I say not to eat much and judge myself by eating, when I feel like eating. So I'm going to eat unless controlled trial also because I'm leaving myself, that makes me feel sad and empty, and have always used food to fill that void. auf! " How to stop this cycle? "" You can not stop until you are aware of it. While you are doing unconsciously – on autopilot – no other option.

So the first thing to do is not try to change it, but just notice it. How to get to be very aware of this pattern, you will have the option change. You have the option to be love and care for himself instead of the trial once they become aware of what you are doing. You can start by realizing that every time you feel sad feeling empty, and then explore what you're telling yourself that led to the painful sensation. "Karl started to notice and eventually was able to stop judging yourself. Not only the sad feeling of emptiness I had experienced many times in your life away, but was able to keep your medical nutrition plan for your heart . When your inner child feel loved instead of judging, no need to eat to kill the pain.