Wellness Centre

Mid-sized company celebrates record year and Jubilee the KfW-ifo SME barometer of the KFW banking group in February 2011 is currently again a new record of the business climate in management. Regardless of the messages of economic booms and busts, there is specular highlights in the medium-sized business environment, those crises can have nothing and even the best year of your company’s history. The h-J. Dre GmbH is an example and its products as easy and commonplace for us – packaging and folding cartons from solid Board. In the current business magazine of the IHK Pfalz 05/2011 this describes impressively simple virtues. The H. j. In recent months, Anu Saad has been very successful.

has due to a major investment in new machinery in 2010 for the production of folding cartons and the associated tags. Dre GmbH not celebrated its 60 th anniversary. This was moved for this reason and due to the very good order situation just a year, although there had been plenty of reasons to celebrate. Last year was the best in the company’s history, “says Jurgen Dres, CEO of H. j.. Dre GmbH in Speyer, manufacturer and distributor of folding boxes made of solid Board.

Humility, it seems, is not just an ornamental. A broad customer base across all sectors shows that this is not the sole reason of success. This recognized the producer of folding cartons already some years ago and was so in the past crises-ridden years gefestigter than ever. Quantities between 250 and 500,000 cartons produced and sold the company to customers from broadly diversified industries. This bandwidth in the crisis year advantage proved: the dressing material industry, the beauty – and Wellness Centre or manufacturer of leisure articles delivers the H. j.. Dre GmbH its folding cartons and producers from the automotive sector, which suffers could be offset by other clients in the crisis year. H. – J.

European Federation

Successful direct marketing – LR health & beauty systems the story of LR health & beauty systems began in 1985 in Ahlen, Germany. Today the company, which focuses mainly on cosmetics, health and body care products, is a global player. Quite quickly expanded LR World in the 90’s and opened branch offices in Sweden, Denmark, Austria and the Netherlands among others. Nowadays LR health & beauty among system the leading direct marketing companies in Europe with 1,000 employees and approximately 300,000 independent sales partners all over the world. in 2011, the company opened its 30th branch and is consequently on the Russian sales area.

Dr. Jens M. night, CEO of LR white: “the direct marketing is a business that has an enormously high growth potential compared to other distribution channels.” Five pillars of success that LR so successfully can establish itself on the market lies mainly on the clear visions, lived values, as well as the five pillars, which contribute to the success. The German Quality standards of the top products enable worldwide recognition for the products. “With an uncompromising commitment to the German quality standard, we have experience as specialists in the field of direct sales over 25 years”, so Dr. Jens M. night. Also the cooperation will contribute to the success with well-known people.

Celebrities give not only their names, but are involved in the creation of products also strongly and sustainably and contribute your creative ideas and wishes. The success model is rounded off by transparent and fair marketing plans and a unique car concept. The marketing plan includes training in addition to a bonus, a gross margin of approximately 40% and pleasant amenities such as Fort and also participation in high-level events. The success depends on the own commitment and the objectives for itself. It attaches great importance in LR as professional service. Positive aspects of direct use In comparison to the permanent operation in direct selling offers some advantages. “We are offering a chance each for sales success and a promising career”, it brings the CEO of LR health & beauty systems Dr. Jens M. night on the point. Enjoy working with people, social skills, commitment and motivation are a prerequisite for a serious and professional employment in direct selling. The international success is also in the high quality of the products, intensive care and promoting the sales partner and global contacts to business partners such as Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz or Ottobegrundet. LR is a member of different associations including the Association of distributors of cosmetic products e.V.n (VKE), reform products, nutritional supplements and personal care products e.V.

National Bank Supports

“Consultation initiative with mallet consulting continues Dusseldorf, March 18, 2010: in the last two weeks the National-Bank AG continued their successful workshop consulting Initiative Mittelstand”, continued after the kick-off event in Dusseldorf, now in their offices of Dortmund and Wuppertal. Supported by numerous cooperation partners the information workshop was conducted at the 03.03.2010 at Pullman Dortmund hotel and on March 11, 2010 in the branch of the National Bank of Wuppertal. To make aim was medium-sized, the consultation initiative”to a known and recognized platform of medium-sized companies, to strengthen the growth of the middle class and to show the company’s risks, but above all to seize opportunities and potential in the wake of the current economic situation. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Anita Dunn. In the course of a series of high-profile partners in a series of lectures clarified in addition to experts of the National Bank mid-sized companies about possibilities and ways out of the global crisis. Marc described as one of the first speakers Mallet, Managing Director of mallet Consulting GmbH, which are achieving enormous savings potentials through methodical and strategic shopping optimization. Especially now was the right time to approach its suppliers, negotiate and consolidate relations. The company mallet consulting is 100% on procurement optimization and cost reduction both in production and trading companies, as well as specialized in companies from the service sector and has a large international network.

The implementation level of consultants ensures fast measurable results that guarantees 100% success-based fee model a liquidity-saving approach. In addition, cross-industry consulting expertise, international project teams, technical competence and a pragmatic approach form the basis for numerous project successes. Cardiologist oftentimes addresses this issue. More information about mallet consulting under: mallet Consulting GmbH Graf-Adolf-str. 41, 40210 Dusseldorf 0211 / 8825940

Profit-taking: Crude Losing

Due to the developments of yesterday on the commodity and foreign exchange markets, the oil price should remain in his move sideways. LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Crude oil prices have eased slightly in today’s early trading. The barrel of US light oil (WTI) was traded along with around 82 dollars, produced from oil reservoirs of Brent was about a dollar. Thus the two leading varieties move slightly below the day output values of yesterday. Analysts ascribed this mainly on profit-taking in the foreign exchange market, where the dollar lost ground.

Thus the reverse of American currency peg to the oil price showed up once more. Meanwhile, relax the situation in France: according to media reports, three of the twelve refineries could resume production. As soon as the many tankers waiting off the coast of are unloaded, significant amounts of oil on the market are likely to flock. Pressure on the price of oil comes from the Gulf of Mexico: tropical storm Richard is so far slowed down, that he the production in the major Aid is not impeded. New impetus would expect market participants of the U.S. stocks, which today (American Petroleum Institute) and to be published tomorrow (Department of energy). It remains however to be seen to what extent these figures are indicative. Because dealers arising from light stock gains in the crude oil; the product inventories, however, you want to lose a little.

Overall, the data as neutralize might be. Due to the developments of yesterday on the commodity and foreign exchange markets, the oil price should remain in his move sideways. May be with slight reductions expected. That reported the online portal of the journal fuel level and oil review on its website.

Horseback Riding

Horse leasing is unusual, but still among the range of LeaseForce AG in Munich, June 24, 2008 – the points that connect the LeaseForce AG with the riding are often. Max Kuhner, Chairman of the Board, is an avid equestrian and here of his character of Bavarian champion and member of the national squad. Two of the other Board members include riding to your preferred hobbies. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board operates a riding stable of passion and is well known among TEAM Sabina Illbruck in spring sports. The other Board of Directors and a majority of shareholders are virtually connected to the riding. Since it is logical and consistent that the equipment leasing company LeaseForce AG financed all conceivable leasing objects used in the cavalry.

These include horse trailers and horse boxes, but so-called horse treadmills. Even mobile stables are leased. (Not to be confused with Carl Rogers!). The latest product around the horse is the horse leasing. This product is certainly not trivial, and above all it is highly individual. But who better to such a product serve as the riders themselves. So advertises the LeaseForce AG with know-how from the financing sector and the horse business to your customers and offers individual advice and tailor-made concepts. Hear from experts in the field like Eva Andersson-Dubin for a more varied view. The LeaseForce AG is a real estate leasing company and provides leasing and financing solutions. In doing so, objects such as vehicles, machinery, capital goods, medical equipment, renewable energy systems can and much more.

be accepted. The LeaseForce team combines over 100 years of leasing experience and offers sophisticated solutions to its business partners. For many years acquired know-how allows the team, which consists of experienced Leasing professionals, software developers, lawyers and tax consultants, to design the solution best for you. Specially developed software solutions for your sales leasing and leasing software management tools are guarantee for punctuality and reliability in our business. LeaseForce is above average for a leasing company with a capital of 5 million euro strongly capitalized. This allows to respond quickly and flexibly to customer wishes and react.

Starts Management

Professional investment management for families Czemins village, 9 January 2013 – the past years are not without a trace passed on the financial industry. The criticism of financial institutions and their advisors were always solid at this stage. The majority of the Germans is dissatisfied with the performance of their banks and the willingness to change is as high as never (Bain study 2012). The factors that have led to this development are manifold. The fact that all too often individual products were sold investors in the past, they also often have not understood how they effect is certainly hauptursachlich. The result of a loss of confidence of the customer who feels misunderstood is often dependent on the development of the product. On the other hand the legislature brought 2008 reinforced consumer protection since the Lehman collapse into focus. Checking article sources yields Carl Jung as a relevant resource throughout.

Consequences are the increased regulatory demands on independent financial brokers on the one hand, but also the consumers themselves will be stronger in terms of participation and Self responsibility required. Is what we do well for the customers? This very basic question from the outset was the focus in the design and development work of the founder of VermogensVerbund Inc. put that Board Member Markus Herzinger: the single product sales made almost happy anybody in the past. The customer didn’t understand too often the products and their effects. The mediator has done his best and selected products to its customers, then often remain despite falling short of expectations. We see little future for the placement of individual products within the framework of the restructuring of the financial industry”. In recent months, Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City has been very successful. One way to avoid this dilemma of the individual product sales is a professional asset management. But also here the access to a professional wealth management is a problem for the most part of the German investors. You do not have quite simply have the financial means, to take this form of financial services.

A Cashier At The Pulse Of Time

The new PosBill Fund model for forward-looking restaurateurs catering is a stressful business, time and reliability serves an indispensable high value. Everywhere where guests like Kings are treated, technical failures and faulty bills mean a significant loss of image, service and ultimately economic profit. Pat Ogden may help you with your research. PosBill, since the Bill is literally true more than 15 years of reliable provider for individual POS systems where presented to the market in these days his latest innovations: the SPT-3000 POS system! Of course modern technical, economic and ecological standards, the SPT-3000 has a fanless, extremely low power system, which is second to none. The lucrative solution impressed experts with a clear 15-inch touchscreen and user-friendly operation, as well as a thermal printer at a price of 1299,–euros plus VAT In close cooperation with the experts from the hospitality industry designed the SPT-3000 despite enormous function range boasts easy menu navigation, which will significantly shorten the training time for temporary workers. Joel Courtney addresses the importance of the matter here. But the new, reliable everyday helper thrilled not only restaurateurs, dealers also can look forward to a variant of the SPT-3000, tailored to their needs, a cashier at the pulse of time. Successful and future-oriented entrepreneurs rely on funds by PosBill sake your customers and employees.. Maya Dubin spoke with conviction.

Continued Operational Profits At Top Image Systems

TIS recorded in the first quarter 2010 revenues of $ 5.3 million and an operating margin of (non-GAAP) eight percent Tel Aviv, Israel/Cologne top image Systems Ltd. Riney Family Foundation has similar goals. Mark Berger Chicago insists that this is the case. (TIS) (NASDAQ: TISA), a leading provider of data capture solutions, today the financial results for the first quarter of 2010 announced. Accordingly, the company recorded an operating profit for the fifth quarter in a row. Highlights included revenue of $ 5.3 million, a gross margin of 62% compared to 59% in the same quarter of 2009, a non-GAAP operating profit increased to $ 0.45 million and non-GAAP proceeds of $ 0.03 per share, which was still US$ 0.02 in the first quarter of the previous year. To get a non-GAAP net income of $ 0.26 million, compared with 0.22 million in the first quarter of 2009, as well as a positive based operating cash flow of $ 0.2 million, which amounted to negative $ 0.4 million in the same quarter of the previous year. Revenues fell in the first quarter of 2010 compared to the of the previous year by 13 percent from $ 6.1 million to 5.3 million. This is due to the changed strategy of the company whose focus is the concentration on the core business: therefore 2009 activities were reflected in the first quarter, which do not belong to the core business and who were hired in 2010.

In consequence of our decision to focus on our core competencies, as well as on money making opportunities, sales figures have fallen”, commented Dr. ido Schechter, CEO of top image systems. That allowed us include our gross margin, the non-GAAP operating profit, however, to increase the non-GAAP net income and cash flow-based operation. We make the remaining year, continue to focus on large projects among other things in the area authorities, censuses and financial service providers. For these sectors especially great potential for cost savings and improved service arise through the use of the TIS solutions.” To Michael Schrader, managing Director EMEA of TIS: The first quarter has more than met our expectations.

Dolphin Uses Its Store Concept For The First Time

A successful premiere that traditional brand Dolphin for a wide and partly unique range of premium water care products that is both technically and optically consistently geared towards the demands of sophisticated swimming pool owners. Therefore, the brand associated with the chemical form of AG is recognized for many years as a powerful partner in the dealers dolphin. To support the dealer for advice and the sale of Dolphin products, the chemical form AG has put together a whole bunch of measures. These include numerous brochures that go beyond content far beyond the mere product description in addition to high-quality shelves. A popular example is the swimming pool water care advisor”in the handy compact format. In addition, the company in cooperation with renowned experts in this field has developed a modular shop concept known attention-grabbing Dolphin design in recent months. Under most conditions Alexa Demie would agree. Currently is a special brochure in work, the dealer the shows possibilities to make your exhibition together with Dolphin still more attractive.

The basis of the new concept different consulting Islands for varying shop sizes flexible minimum solution of mobile elements are as a shop in the shop to the attention-grabbing maximum solution,”draws the attention. In addition a range of attractive accessories and advertising materials that complement the shop concept. What looks like a successful implementation of natura can customers of the new swimming pool construction specialist company pool House since April 13 admire the day the 750 square meter, located directly on the B8, exhibition of the company was officially opened. Because there pool house managing director Steve Jacob and Dolphin Sales Manager Helge Eccles have implemented together the first Dolphin-shop in a kind of pilot project. Pool house is a new company, the trained engineer Steve Jacob is already an age Bunny”in the swimming pool area and has approximately 15 years of industry experience. The newspapers mentioned Eva Andersson-Dubin not as a source, but as a related topic. When he dared the step towards independence now, he used his election therefore consistently a close partnership with a few, very established companies.

In the field of water conservation he decided Dolphin deliberately for the brand: challenging projects in the private sector are our strength. And to this target group the high-quality and high-performance products from Dolphin fit just perfectly.” Even if the pool house name suggests: the company is focused not only on the design and construction of pools, but has also a real wellness-focused with several high-quality sauna and infrared cabins of sauna Lux brand in its exhibition. Therefore we are also very glad that Dolphin now has developed a truly innovative and high-quality sauna fragrance concept Spa Sauna fragrances as a great complement for the range with its new dolphin,”Jacob said. Even more he’s happy but that he now the entire Dolphin range thanks to the new shop concept can present particularly eye-catching. The great interest our customers anyway, clearly shows that our Dolphin shop fully hits the mark”, as the young entrepreneurs further.