Appearances in Business

It is not the same to be competitive, it seems. Sociologists tell us that we live in society of appearances, where no matter who you are, but what “appears to be.” As an initial strategy, apparently, is profitable, the problem arises when you have to demonstrate the quality of products, excellent services, tangible and palpable reality. Many directors would like to stay in a comfortable bubble, where life goes smoothly, where the continuity of management, is the benchmark for management strategy, where the “culture of accommodation” permeates every corner of the CORPORATE UNCONSCIOUS. The collective unconscious of a country, region, a province, crosses all types of organizational structures. A country with a culture overly bureaucratic, little daring and creative tending to passivity, permeates, unfortunately, the corporate culture of any organization. To be competitive and able to cope without prejudice or fear, the upcoming changes to all levels: economic, markets, social enterprises should be run by excellent management teams.

A management style of management, whose mission is excellence in all sectors of the organization, used as strategic tools: consistency and transparency, creating a culture of commitment at work. Nothing better to engage all members of the company, as the daily example of the management team, lead by example generates real CREDIBILITY approaches to vision and mission management. The informal organization of companies, is a huge source of objective information about COMPETITIVE UNCONSCIOUS. As we know, the culture of each company is unique, a world of relationships, who cohabit a corporate space that we call “employment.” New techniques and methods to improve the organization of work, and thus productivity and business performance, delve into the subtle web of human relations in the company. The company management, with support from the personnel department must continually create healthy human relationships, with intentionality and self-interest (healthy) to generate genuine commitment to the objectives of the organization. It is worrying that in many companies, inhabit a managerial conformism, generating a corporate culture and an unconscious accommodated.