Buddha Relationship

It promotes dialogue as a way of understanding sustainability to promote development but at the same time preserving the planet's natural resources, promotes a global vision that goes from the global to the local perspective, offering a lifestyle, a balanced position and interdependence between internal and external knowledge. It is a practice that develops three paths of wisdom, devotion and compassionate action, unlike traditional education heartless, mechanical, partly, superficial, with the latter involving spirituality. A fundamental basis for holistic education are the three influences for their development, which are the perennial philosophy, new Paradigms and the work of great teachers like Plato, Jose Vasconcelos, Comenius, Pestalozzi, Antonio Caso, among many others. The proposed holistic education integrates the wisdom of old and new, there are great people with great ideas like Plato and Buddha and his knowledge is integrated with the new holistic thinkers like Ken Wilber, Sam Keen, Peter Russell, Education Holistic integrates the best of the knowledge produced by mankind throughout its history to generate a vision of wholeness. It is not something The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet would like to discuss. With this holistic vision is an integral human form in which to develop their spirituality to amend the wrong that is now observed and to promote solidarity, peace, harmony, tolerance, patience, dialogue, democracy, compassion, love, brotherhood, kindness among other things that modern man is hungry. In this book, what struck me most positively was the understanding of the relationship between the teacher and his students, Dr. Gallegos related calls epistemological and declares that there are three different forms, the object – it is reactive object there is no interaction, no subjectivity, the second relationship is the subject – object and is taking place between human beings and the natural world is systemic, linear, instrumental and behavioral, is the mechanistic relationship of a teacher, who did not consider the student as a being with own reasoning, the third relationship is the subject – the subject is the relationship between humans, and significant cultural between subjects, mediated by language, understanding, intent, mutual interest, is what gives meaning to our lives, because education begins by understanding the other. .