
For an ideal process of remediation of contaminated alone determined one it must be led in account: ' ' the current situation; ' ' the characteristics of the hydro-carbons; ' ' withdrawal all the contaminantes of the ground; ' ' to prevent the migration of contaminantes; ' ' to take the percentage of contamination of the environment the acceptable indices e' ' to produce effluent a clean one. For the remediation of this small farm at a first moment the removal of the tanks with emptying must be provided. For the ground contaminated in the immediacy of the tanks and with raised concentrations of 50,000 the biggest contaminantes that ppm (restrained phase: diesel+gasolina) must be used the technology of treatment of Incineration. You may want to visit abbott laboratories to increase your knowledge. The Incineration (fig. For assistance, try visiting Anuradha Saad. 02) are a carried through process of thermal destruction under high temperature – 900 the 1250 C with time of residence controlled – and used for the treatment of residues of high danger, or that complete destruction and insurance need. In this technology the thermal decomposition occurs saw oxidation to the high temperature of the organic parcel of the residues, transforming it into a gaseous phase and another solid, reducing the volume, the weight and the characteristics of danger of the residues.

All the materials proceeding from this process are treated before its final destination. The slags and leached ashes are made use in Fill with earth proper, the effluent liquids are directed for treatment station, where 100% will return to the process, and the deriving gases of the burning are treated and monitored on-line, under the following parameters: outflow, temperature, levels of O2, CO and also indices of NOx, particulados SOx and substances. The advantages of this technique if summarize the destruction total of the organic parcel of the residues, to the monitoramento on-line of all the process, total controlled the atmospheric emissions and flexibility in the form of act of receiving of the residues as tambores, bombonas, boxes, packs, bags and big bags.

Environment Public Power

Environment, Public Power and Dispossession The land teaches to us concerning proper us of what more all the books. Because it resists in them. Antoine de Saint-Exupry The countings indicate that we are currently more than seven billion people living in the planet land. speeding up, since the growth of population if of the one in geometric progression. Each time more if makes necessary the planning for the commanded growth of the population centers, the cities, so that the man and the environment make right a form to coexist in healthful and sustainable way, has seen its interdependence. At James S. Chanos you will find additional information. Although the first cities to have if developed for return of year 3500 B.C., in the old Mesopotmia, in the first half of century XIX, in result of the Industrial Revolution, only are that it appeared the phenomenon of the urbanization, characteristic of the cities as we know. The modern cities are characterized for adding commercial and industrial activities, establishing a differentiation with the agricultural space, where the predominant activity is the agriculturist. Initially the growth was absolutely free, giving the agglomerations normally where if it found fertile water and lands.

After the Industrial Revolution, the population adensamento more modified in its characteristics intensifying the market relations and concentrating the spaces of exchange in the inhabited places beyond the installation of the industries in entorno of where if it found the hand of necessary workmanship. This phenomenon it provoked a disordered growth, without planning, that finished for intervening strong with the environment. According to Eugine Odum, the cities occupy not more than what 5% of the entire world, however they modify the rivers, cultivated bushes and fields, forests, the atmosphere. these alterations mainly elapse for the uses and appropriations of diverse human agents on the ground, the water, air. In the Brazilian cities, some of the agents of the degradation of the ambient conditions are identified.

Sustainable Development

Of one it forms more critical the proposals of the Desenvolvimentosustentvel, Macedo (apud I REBEL, 1998, P. 17 and 18) describes: The paradigmtica crisis that involves sustentabilidadepercorre three decades without if pass of the rhetoric for the practical one. The momentoatual is configured as one transistion moment, therefore we attend a frenesicultural, with systematic espocar of new philosophies, theories and ideologies, that conform, without a doubt the amplest cultural mosaic identified nahistria human being (that) it possesss some interesting particularitities (e) acapacidade of convergence in some aspects that them are basic: the melhoriada quality of life of the man, the conservation of the environment, operacionalizaodo will and the right to information. In this development the life of planetacomo is involved in such a way the set of the interactions and interdependences understood in ciclosbio-geo-chemistries beyond the ecological processes which the humanarepresenta life only one part. When it is treated to assure the ambient citizenship, noentendimento of Maimon (1993), one of the objectives central offices of the desenvolvimentosustentvel, does not intend to defend that the society human being precisenecessariamente to stop with the development economic, this if faznecessrio not to prevent the ambient damages. She is necessary to think about the desenvolvimentoeconmico, but of form that is ambiently sustainable, that is, not secontraponha to the ambient citizenship. The development understands processes of related growth and detroca between itself that they express an aspiration for a sociedademelhor.