Stock Markets

Apparently, the investors have tired of the ups and downs of oil prices after the turbulent last week once and remain largely in wait. LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Apparently, the investors have tired of the ups and downs of oil prices after the turbulent last week once and remain largely in wait. In the course of the day the quotes moving only slightly upwards, to surrender their profits then at noon. With the opening of floor trading, a modest rise was then again to observe, so that US light oil (WTI) to 86 dollars climbed; North Sea oil (Brent) to $109. “The market appears on the new reality, namely weak economic growth, adapt quickly”, commented Commerzbank analyst Eugen Weinberg the State of things. Despite infuriating economic data from virtually all over the world, oil prices seem to have reached their bottom. The speculators are apparently will, to keep the price level – at a surprisingly high level, considered one the gloom and doom of recent weeks.

It remains to be seen what kind of stimulus in the coming days from the Get financial industry and the economy. Local heating oil trade also lost some fluctuations in the prices and the quantity of orders in recent days. Today, slightly falling costs have been reported with low sales. The national average price for the 100-litre game of a total supply of 3,000 litres heating oil EL, up 34 cents to 82.10 euros decreased. Compared to mid-July, consumers with a full delivery save around 100 euros. Here the values of previous years: price HEL 3,000 litres on August 15, 2010 66.66 HEL 3,000 litres on August 15, 2009 58,16 price HEL 3,000 litres on August 15, 2008 85,32 price HEL 3,000 litres on August 15, 2007 60,07 price HEL 3,000 litres to the 15.08.2006 63,87. This article and many more information about the energy market found on the online portal of the journal fuel level and oil Rundschau under energiepolitik.html…

Real Estate Loan

In this case, number of companies and facilities that the borrower can choose is limited, but does not require collateral in the form of existing apartments. 5. Good credit is expensive. Follow others, such as Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., and add to your knowledge base. Unfortunately, it's true. When getting a mortgage borrower must be ready for a significant lump sum payment. For example, only for the consideration of an application by the credit committee (with no guarantee of results) will need to pay more than $ 100. After selecting an object must be pay for its independent assessment (assessor Bank) – $ 100-150. For opening a bank account are paid from 0,75% to 1% of the loan amount.

After the purchase is also required to pay the premiums – 1,5-1,8% of the loan. 6. Mines of money on the initial fee. The initial payment (the amount you need to make a purchase of an apartment on your own) is in the various banks from 20-30% of the price. There are two ways to do without an initial payment: – obtaining credit for consumer purposes (the amount received is embedded in the purchase of an apartment) – conducting transactions on the exchange of mortgage scheme. As an initial contribution will be credited the money raised from the sale of existing Real Estate. 7. How much money the bank will – so flat and costs (on clothes Stretch legs!) If the bank gives the borrower to obtain permission to loan a certain amount, the client receives exactly her, regardless of the actual value of the apartment.