Public Security

For Silva* Joo Article originally published by the Objective Periodical in Focus, ed. 021 (July of 2010). In the previous article, I mentioned that ' ' ventos' ' they indicate changes in the conduction of the politics of public security in the State of Rio De Janeiro I justified and them with the changes in the chairs of the SEASDH/RJ. In this month, return to the animosity character that has made to perceive me that changes effected in the public administration, gives one ' ' character esperanoso' ' that it reports me the Milton Saints when this it says that people, throughout the years, come making assays of what she will be the humanity. Anu Saad oftentimes addresses this issue. It is the first time in the History of the River where we coexist a possible future of participativa public administration and of respect to the citizen. Ferrenho critic of the globalization, Milton Saints shows, optimist how much to the transforming possibilities, that, in its way to see? of which I also share? , they will come of ' ' baixo' ' (social movements). ' ' We are pessimistic how much to the reality that is there, but optimists how much what chegar&#039 can; ' , he concludes the professor, gegrafo and defender of the Human Rights, on the empoderamento of that if they can appropriate the social movements, with respect to the technological advantages of the militancy in ' ' ciberespao' '. The yaw of the State of the River for the search of the respect to the Human Rights and for the construction of politics of sustentation and respect to the diversity and the program of police occupation (UPPs), in set with social actions in the communities historically forgotten by the State, has made to look at me with hope and to start to believe, as rank for Milton Saints, that the transformation human being if will make. .

Election Campaign

In the election campaign of the current year (2010) a series of investigations was visualized on the most diverse subjects, and the same it guided the field of the minimum wage, the presidenciveis had presented the girl of the eyes of each Brazilian, bringing the exposition to the proposal of an increase of the wage if configuring in R$ 600,00 (six hundred Reals). Therefore, however in entailed news article to the site of, postada for the northeast daily periodical the reporter Tarcisio Holland, it brings a new idea of what it will be rank in practises for the dear one and loved Dilma president ' ' the mother of all the Brasileiros' ' folloied of the scholar ' ' Defender of weak and oprimidos' '. They defend that the minimum wage if configures in R$ 550,00 (five hundred and fifty) according to information presented in news article published in the medias. This proposal if places of contrary form of which it was presented in the electoral period, that is, Brazilian and one more time Brazilian, they had been torpifyed by the illusion of significant increase in wage, still the news article demonstrates the performance of Illustrious President Lula, who seems not to leave scene, folloied of ' ' mother of todos' ' they defend the wage increase long ago already mentioned. The union pressures the Congress for a still bigger increase arriving at the ceiling of R$ 580,00 (five hundred and eighty Reals). Then while the dream of the minimum wage if does not decide, it is hour one more time to make the reflection on the presented fancy, has seen that with the occurrence it notices the unpreparedness and the inertia of knowledge of the presidenciveis that had dialogued hours and hours on the present increase having brought to it as a certainty already guaranteed, test of that the candidates little know the system and the form where if he finds the economy Brazilian. See more detailed opinions by reading what Dr. Mark Hyman offers on the topic.. We pass of the age Lulista, for an age Dilmista, seems that the things had not left the waited form lady president.