The Business Registration

As a business called any economic activity which is operated for profit. That is, on its own account and at your own risk and duration. Speaking candidly Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. told us the story. Main distinction is whether that activity is exercised or as a sideline. It is important that an activity is a sideline, when the working time is no more than a third of a full-time job. The existence of a main profession is again not relevant to a secondary activity. The business registration is the registration of an independent trade with the competent authority of the municipality. The business registration shall notify the seller or the municipality, that it receives a specific designated commercial activity. It should be noted that this is not a question of applying for a permit.

Because of the freedom of trade, a separate business license is required only for certain industries. By place of business registration and trade confirmation with the business license, more than one application in various other agencies. These include applications to the competent for the tax office, the IHK (Chamber of Commerce), as well as health insurance, the employment agency and the responsible professional, done by sending copies of business registration. These declarations made by the municipality. The business enterprise is depending on the work focus member of the Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of short, or the chamber of trade, in short HWK.

Also done with the business registration, the registration in the Commercial Register of the city or Gemeinde.siert the German economy in 81 regional chambers of commerce and their umbrella organizations. With the exception of pure craft businesses and farms, as well as freelancers, all companies are required to maintain membership in their regional Chamber of Commerce. The main task of handicrafts, it is the interests of the overall activities of traders responsible. Furthermore, the concerns and problems of trades to be settled by the government. The Chamber of exercises in each chamber of the district from the legal supervision of the guilds and the Kreishandwerkerschaft. As to the difference, representing the Trades the interests of the craft. As with all professional bodies are at the Chamber of Trade to be compulsory.


I noted that happiness depends on your point of view of each one on his own, influenced both the point of view on the happiness of those more. Because deep down the echo to be happy means to many. Because it has to involve others? In other words, I realized that my happiness in relation to myself and the other is relative. I say this because I noticed that the views of each on happiness is different. To say: I can not create a new theory on happiness without having to mix the opinion and the views of many. In this case, the only thing left is to reject me in a way the opinion of others about happiness n generating or not, and I seek their own way, with my rules and regulations but not annoying and does no damage form around me. It s what it sounds fatal and no body, but my happiness is relative, and if things go around here I go for happiness. Or at least this form.

I can not allow someone to change their point of view the state of my own perception and value of happiness. At the time we leave to someone who believes their opinions on happiness, what we do is to stop other indirect opinion that we change our way of looking at happiness. To change something. To give a different value. Summary: to give value. In the background is changing me the value I put the time and I decided to be happy.

Or not. At the time that someone or something decides that this is a time felice or not done in the background is nothing more than limit the right to be happy in your way, when you feel the urge. But this does not mean anything bad about any part, because we always have the need to comment on something, with the need to correct or help. Or not. Individual happiness is individual. I the right to suffer or be happy when we get the desire is just as individuals, and this need not be called selfishness. It is simply the pleasure of deciding when we want to be happy or not. Being selfish in the sense that you stop mourn the other incluidote to yourself too, does not mean that you break the problems or to import or do you let some of the problems of women. Just allow yourself a break to all. But very deep. Dorel Ene