Photos Of Pregnancy And Childbirth – The Memory For A Lifetime

Photographers Lala Garbuz and Emilia Ertuganova do not keep pictures from the birth and shoot artistic photos. These are not ashamed to show family and friends. Girls specialize in emotional, vibrant, natural photography. Bright and positive. Marriage, pregnancy, baby and family portraits.

While in the bank of photographers do not work from maternity hospitals in Moscow, mostly – it's a home birth and birth in other cities in Russia, where it is easier to agree on photo shoot. If you do not believe that birth can take off nicely – see the work of foreign photographer Tamra Hyde. Want such photographs? We are prepared to promptly arrive at your birth, ready to give a 50% discount to anyone who writing agree to a public display of pictures taken. We respect your reluctance to heroes such shootings to show their photos on display, and accept full responsibility for the appearance of this kind of pictures taken by us, online, publications and other sources. We never show pictures in person delivery to potential clients without the consent of persons depicted on them.