
In the noisy surf the reflection of light of a new day. Sun in the sky again, and in the air and summer around here I am. All sparkling green hue in the distance the sound of silence. A perfect top of the sky with a blue rim overflow. Single again open spaces immense beauty around.

I love this time – a solid unreality of our dreams! … Learn more at: Dr. Mark Hyman. At some points, which occur in our life, we must make certain decisions. These decisions are not always the only correct, but they must take it! It is not surprising that for some groups of people, these solutions are a complete surprise. Particularly unexpected that happens when a person is successful! All understand it and think Hit them in the same situation – they all would have been different. They would not only improve the already super condition, but also would make the "reserve" for the future. So when you are at this point decide to withdraw from these conditions and start all over again – they begin to twist his fingers to his temple, or appear sincere regret.

True motives no one knows, but everyone understands that this circumstance: forced, pushed, forced to … … Visit Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. for more clarity on the issue. What about you? You allow yourself to leave. Leave from some internal tensions associated with successful control. But the more successful these circumstances, the more resources are involved in the maintenance of THEM. At the same time as you are sailing with no wind – just standing there, ie as a result You are almost always looking for the wind to "go" onward and upward.