Business And Taxes

Giving a bribe, the company becomes dependent on the extortionists. Eradicate the evils of extortion would be possible only when no will want to problem solving ‘negotiating’. In a question-answer forum Dr. Mark Hyman was the first to reply. Despite the fact that more and more companies are willing to defend their rights by legal means, as evidenced by the steady increase in the number of lawsuits over the past ten years, it is necessary noted that the crime of extortion is not quenched. Companies have a real opportunity to protect your business, you only need a clear idea of their rights and know the remedy. To date, inspection bodies pay close attention to companies’ activities in terms of detecting tax evasion. John Craig Venter is open to suggestions. Therefore, those companies that use any mechanisms to reduce the tax burden, should pay more attention tax optimization is a concerted action of the taxpayer, which allows him to avoid or to some extent reduce its obligatory payments to the budget made by them in the form of taxes, taxes, fees and other payments. Tax evasion is defined as the minimization of the taxpayer of its obligations to the budget unlawful, illegal means, usually by hiding their tax obligations, reporting to the tax authorities of false information or failure to provide tax returns and documents. Professional liability for failure to pay taxes organization provides art.

It is quite difficult to establish certain criteria for delineation of legal and illegal activities to reduce taxes, because it is in this plane intersect the interests of the state and individuals. Moreover, legislation does not contain definitions for the concepts of ‘tax optimization’ and ‘tax avoidance’. In this situation, taxpayers are not in a very advantageous position, as any of their actions aimed at reducing the tax burden under the current legislation may be considered under certain circumstances, professional tax evasion. If the taxpayer to reduce their tax burden is clearly illegal uses tools and techniques is not difficult to recognize such actions and tax evasion.

In the case where the taxpayer operates strictly within the current legislation is difficult to clearly establish its validity. In such situations, should, in our opinion, to adhere to rules worked out in the world for the recognition of transactions is not relevant requirements of the law based on their conclusions to tax evasion or illegal circumvention of taxes. This is, firstly, the advantage rule on the substance of the transaction form, which allows you to determine the impact of the imaginary transactions, and, secondly, the rule is to achieve business goals, which assumes that any transaction must be aimed at achieving specific economic purpose other than obtaining tax benefits only. Since the obligation to pay taxes arises from the civil-legal transactions or other civil legal reasons, taxation should be made in accordance with the actual legal relationships. Consequently, the content of the transaction and all subsequent actions of its members should not perceive Intentionally parties to the transaction just for show, without the intention to create its corresponding legal effects, with the sole purpose of removing the budget. Unfortunately, issues of legitimate ways and means of obtaining tax savings are still clearly not commented on any law enforcement or judicial bodies themselves wording of the provisions of tax laws do not give full confidence in the legitimacy of the taxpayer. However, we can say with certainty that any tax optimization should based on a bona fide taxpayer.