Danger To Your Pets

Of course, everyone knows what threats may lie in wait for our pets outside the home, and try every possible way to prevent them. But your quiet comfortable home, however, is full of dangers for the furry inhabitants. Consider some of them: 1. Open windows. Fear of heights is often lacking not only in cats but in dogs and rabbits. Add to your understanding with Mark Hyman, MD. If the cat can remain unscathed after falling from a considerable height (it should be noted that the most to them hazards are 2-3 floors, as in this case the animal did not have time to regroup for the correct landing), then for the rest of pets like intsendent can be fatal.

Do not leave animals unattended in indoors with the windows open, and for greater precaution, use mosquito nets or "vertical ventilation". 2. Electrical wires. They are of particular interest not only for rodents and dogs. Quite bred adult cat suddenly may want to try the tooth cable or wire under tension. In pet stores sell special tool – "antigryzin" with a very bitter taste and peculiar smell, hardly noticeable to humans, but unpleasant for animals. Treat them all the available wires, even if your pet does not show respect to them no interest so far (in animals as in humans, the occurrence of "bad habits "is easier to prevent than to get rid of it). "Antigryzin" can be replaced by mustard or pepper tincture.

3. Piercing-cutting items. It's not about knives, but about a completely innocuous-looking plastic toys, household items, and and long bones.