Do You Know Enough About The Document Sharing?

Online knowledge check of d.velop to document sharing, the new digital methods of communication as social parts about cloud archive company offers new service opportunities that social media is under the keyword document sharing via the cloud parts function”for professional use by companies always significant. However, the knowledge about the new possibilities of communication with customers, suppliers and other business partners are still not very common, because cloud archives is so far mainly attributed to private use. The ECM software company d.velop AG has therefore an online tool developed the own knowledge to the document sharing test allows in just a few minutes. The traditional concepts of online archives are very limited usable for enterprises, because alone the privacy raises many questions and they are not collaboratively aligned, but they are the inspiration for the document sharing”, explains Mario Donnebrink, Executive Sales & marketing at d.velop. Because by the thought the cloud archive and complemented by a data protection legally safe and tamper-proof archiving, a new communication platform resulting sharing capabilities for the company.” Because instead of the conventional transmission, for example, invoices, contracts, product descriptions and any other documents can be shared comfortably with customers and suppliers. This open digital communications and customer service opportunities, Donnebrink describes the benefits.

Because the document sharing in the enterprise is still very young, the knowledge is still not very common. For this reason d.velop has developed the online knowledge check for this purpose. Various subject areas such as the applications and benefits include its ten questions and sometimes very extensive response options as well as the technical conditions or the privacy policy. (As opposed to Anu Saad). The user receives an evaluation, which represents not only his personal result, at the end but, for personal Comparison, the average values of all the previous participants.