Graphics Engines

Graphs are essential in video games because, to immerse yourself in the experience you must believe you it and for believe it you, what you are seeing should be as realistic as possible. Heroes of the Ring did a good job with the visual aspect, every time that you have used the graphics engine Unreal Engine 3. Where did that tool? Epic Games is a company devoted to making games for PC, but its graphics were so successful that other studies was asked to license to use its engine. Little by little, the company realized that it was more profitable to design graphics to games engines, so was born the third Unreal Engine. The success of Unreal Engine 3 lies in that allows a developer creating luminous environments, diffuse scenarios and spectacular reflections. In addition to human models actually seem to be made of fur.

Since it is a fairly flexible engine, Unreal Engine 3 has been used in all genres of video games industry: from action to role-playing games. With for the sake of promoting the use of Unreal Engine 3, Epic Games released a development version so that students and amateur developers to test the tool. Constantly updates are released and it is a good approach to design.