Hair Styling

Who wants to jump up to the current trend of braid, but has no time to let the hair grow the attack just to the replacement pigtail! In the now trendy look yearns not it looks as real: ever more colorful and eye-catching, the better! For each day’s are at best one or two braids in hair colours, such as the braidME of Verlocke!. This applies always: the longer, the more styling alternatives. Therefore, waiting for the braidME’s with proud 150 cm, and can be – so head looped, several times to a pony tail wrapped around or just openly worn as eye-catcher especially stylish on white T-Shirts. r for Functional Medicine as a relevant resource throughout. The Super practical clip mechanism enables each variation in a matter of seconds. Who the own hair knots a little highlight want to Miss should braid hair band “Heidi” order the braided, which Verlocke! has in the different colors in the range the trick is of course also here to work with contrasting colours. Clearly elegant and absolutely Hollywoodverdachtig: braid headband, not just Heidi Klum has exported from the meadow to LA.

That Verlocke! “Alice” model shines beautifully. Tip: Two cable tire succession apply, then gladly to the short hair cut – the perfect eye-catcher! Verlocke! everything about hair: chic hair pieces, like bun, braids and hair loops that manages each styling. Clip-in braids, ponies and colour strands for instantaneous transformations – still in great demand, over and over again. Gorgeous hair accessories for the finishing of each looks. Extension strands for more color, fullness and length. With Verlocke! Fulfill all wishes of styling and hair dreams.