
These criteria, however, are not unanimous, the proper boundary-value that defines a hipoglicemia having been source of controversies. Of any form, the glucose level below of 70 mg/dL or 3,9 mmol/L is considered hipoglicmico. Diabetic that they make the monitorizao of the glucose routinely can detect increases of the glicemia, without, however, presenting hiperglicemia symptoms. For these patients one sends regards, whenever possible, to search the level of the glucose in the blood. This can preferential be made in the following occasions: In jejum and before the main meals (lunch and supper); In jejum and two hours after the main meals; Up to two hours after the meals (glicemia after-prandial). Hiperglicemia after-prandial As the studies never stop, a new concept has been each time more considered for the control of diabetes. The abrupt increase of the glucose in the blood is known today that, that occurs after a meal soon, the call ' ' peak of glicemia' ' , already a great risk of cardiovascular complications in all is considered the people with diabetes. The dosage of this glicemia, that must not more than be made what two hours after each habitual meal, is called glicemia after-prandial.

In healthful individuals, the insulina release after each meal is enough to reduce ' ' peak of glicemia' ' in, the maximum, 10 minutes. Normally, this peak does not exceed 140 levels of mg/dl. On the other hand, in the diabetic individuals, this release of insulina is slow of 30 the 60 minutes, making with that the glucose levels remain high for much more time. Speaking in medical terms, we are ahead of a hiperglicemia after-prandial. A very high amount of glucose after the meals worsening still more its toxic effect in the organism, as injuries in the wall of the sanguineous vases and increase of the risks of tromboses and spills.

Its causes can be varied and to appear in any age of the individual. Its more common forms, moderate or severe, occur as a complication in the treatment of diabetes mellitus with insulina or verbal medicines. However this article treats generically the illness, its effect and cause must be studied with clarity and always of individual form, it always sends regards to look a specialist so that this with I assist of disgnostic services can define where I serve as apprentice or level the illness is or exists. Source: Wikpedia and dialbetes net. Emerson L. Taveira