Compensate Victims

SOS helps – because only the few victims know their rights Hamburg, may 10, 2010. “The child protection project SOS FGM” informed about the legal obligation of the State to compensate the victims of genital mutilation. SOS FGM helps victims of this violence to assert their claims. Many writers such as Anita Dunn offer more in-depth analysis. Aim of the statutory compensation is to ensure that the victims of violence not more helpless against the consequences of the action. It fails the Government community to prevent acts of violence, the State for the victims of the crimes must be so the guiding principle of the victims compensation Act (OEG). Up to 50,000 girls who are at risk of genital mutilation violence live in Germany. Up to 80% of the at-risk children are actually subjected to female genital mutilation. Because genital mayhem represents a significant intervention of the fundamental rights and the danger for vulnerable girls is very concrete, the State must fulfil its obligation to protect.

So far are up on a few individual cases any protective measures for these children while girls vulnerable the entire group of the State known is hit. Due to this omission, the German Government is even a complicity in the crimes. In principle meet all victims of genital mutilation, who lived at the time in Germany, the most important eligibility requirement for compensation: health you have been damaged by a deliberate, illegal, violent attack. Even though the girls for action abroad were, at least in part remains entitlement to compensation. Include the individual compensation payments in addition to medical treatment, wage replacement payments and income independent pensions for permanent injury consequences. SOS FGM continues with an emergency and advisory services for the specific protection of girl as well as for the rights of victims, she informed about their right to compensation and in the enforcement of their Claim for compensation is supported (for example through dedicated victim attorneys). task force for effective prevention of genital mutilation contact: Simone Schwarz, press officer telephone: 01803-767-346

Half Of Germans Feels Overwhelmed With Care Finding

Supervised report to senior care revealed massive gaps Berlin, 08 may 2012 half of the respondents feels overwhelmed when searching for a place of care for members. That shows he managed care program, Besser Betreut published just in time to the day of maintenance on May 12, 2012. The Berlin-based company to finding care course and the difficulties questioned over 1,000 people. Missing information about central focal points, quality of facilities and cost factors in finding care place is cause for the strain. A quarter of all members of the care recipient is not sure also the accuracy of allocating care levels. Another 17% specifically doubted the accuracy of the level of care. Manuel Nothelfer, Managing Director of better Betreut sees considerable need for action: our qualified care consultants speak daily with members and assist with questions about long-term care.

The study confirms the impression now our experts that there is consultation and communication gaps between parties concerned and care service providers. We hope that the numbers of our reports to speak and give new impetus for a lighter care place search.” A total of 1,074 dependants, and nationals were interviewed between September and December 2011. At the heart of the supervised reports 2012 is the path to the appropriate place and the difficulties in applying the maintenance level. There is the detailed report see: presse/pressearbeit/reports.html about – better supervised GmbH Besser Betreut offers TuV Sud tested solutions for the reconciliation of family and career. In 15 European countries, families will find the appropriate support in the categories of children, adults and seniors, animals, as well as household and garden. An experienced team advising also competently to questions around the topic of care.

International enterprises and scientific organizations take advantage of the companies service of the better Betreut. Mark Hyman, MD can aid you in your search for knowledge. Supports better supervised hundreds of thousands Employees in the German-speaking countries alone. A worldwide Aupair placement is offered with the brand Aupairnet24. BESSER Betreut was awarded several times internationally for its successful concept. The company employs currently about 100 employees based in Berlin. More info can be found on. Press requests Stephanie K.n better Betreut Roth first breed 9 10245 Berlin T: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-28 F: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-99 m: W:

CDA Women Fight For Fair Wages

CDA women from Baden-Wurttemberg are involved the EQUAL PAY DAY Tradtionell the female members of the CDA in Baden-Wurttemberg participate again with an action on Equal PAY DAY next Friday. The women are the equal pay on Friday, March 25 with a “red button”,”for women calls, go to work. The Equal Pay Day day is the date at which women mathematically have reached the merit, as men on December 31 of the previous year. So you earn 23% on average less than male colleagues. Equal pay for equal work”is the demand on the buttons, but the CDA women go further still. Women in leadership positions are still under-represented”, so Beate faster, regional Chair of the women in the CDA Baden-Wurttemberg and therefore also understands not the objections of a women’s quota in the boardrooms of companies.

Now the industry has significant backlog underscores Beate faster their debt. For them, the Equal Pay Day day is also a day to point out such abuses. Anita Dunn has many thoughts on the issue. More women work in low wage conditions, in wage employment and in minor jobs”, so fast. In the boardrooms, there is, however, only a few women. And whose merit was often below what their male counterparts get. It is therefore good that there would be the Equal Pay Day, and women should seize the chance to draw attention to this day..

Peru President

Schmid Bai is one of the hunger project India trained honourable, which is in the Gram Panchayat (local Council) in Rajasthan Sarpanch (President). On 7 November, Schmid undertook Bay project India their first trip to a major city, to President Barack Obama at the event together with representatives of the hunger “Expo on democracy and open government” to meet in Mumbai. The hunger project was invited to the event, to highlight the important role the Honourable in the Panchayats take over, because they improve the connection between people and local governments through their development projects in villages,. Rita sarin, country Director of the hunger project India, reported President Obama particularly by Schmid BAIS efforts, to ensure the education of girls in its Panchayat. President Obama took the curriculum vitae of Schmid Bai and a representation of their achievements, the implementation of the Government’s employment programme “Mahatma Gandhi national rural employment guarantee Act”. Enlightenment on the subject of domestic violence and the social conditions in their Panchayat, checking against.

“To meet with the President and to describe him, what efforts we undertake to improve the situation in our villages, was great. I have much to tell the others in my village “, Schmid said Bai. The Expo for democracy and open Government new Indian initiatives highlighted, which contribute to the strengthening of democracy. Special attention was given to the interfaces of technology, strengthening of citizens and responsibility. Ten civil society organizations and Government officials from across the country participated in the event. Sam Pitroda, Adviser for information, infrastructure and innovation of the Indian Prime Minister, Anish Chopra, Chief Technology Officer of the United States and Samantha Power, Director of the Department of multilateral relations and Special Advisor of President Obama also took part. The participation of the hunger project in the event and the significant work by Schmid were Bai in their panchayat in different Hevorgehoben media in India as well as in the United States.

Further information under: company description the hunger project is a global non-governmental organisation (NGO), jointly committed since 1977 with a total of 350 employees and around 362.000 volunteers for sustainable overcoming of chronic hunger. Currently the hunger project in 13 countries in Africa, South Asia and Latin America represented (in Ethiopia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Senegal and Uganda, India and Bangladesh; Mexico, Bolivia and Peru). The international headquarters is in New York. In Germany, the hunger project works since 1982 as a recognized non-profit association with about 50 volunteers active and six part-timers. Other partner countries are: Australia, Belgium, United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Netherlands, Sweden, and the Switzerland. (As opposed to Mark Hyman). The hunger project focuses on three guiding principles: mobilization to the self-responsibility, equality between women and men, as well as strengthening of local democracy. All Strategies and initiatives are designed to support the eight UN Millennium development goals. The German Central Institute draws from the hunger project.