A Friday In Tunisia

But to stay Tunisia one week after the fire which you may US Embassy in Tunis, this Friday in Tunisia. At least during and around the time of Friday prayer, it says so in the recommendations (not only) of the German Embassy at their fellow countrymen residing in Tunisia or leisure. The assessment of the security situation this Friday is topic number one among the (Western) foreigners living in Tunisia. Probably, it will be quiet again – like last time, as even a curfew was imposed after violent salafistisch motivated protests -; but who wants to predict that? Sub of the week – after the American French and French-speaking institutions in Tunisia its doors temporarily concluded a week after the fire of the US Embassy in Tunis Tunisia; by the Consulate to the creche. Just a week after the global turmoil as a result of the unutterably silly Provo multiply know “The Innocence of Muslims” it had the French “Titanic” polizeiruf namely “Charlie Hebdo” deemed wise to print cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. The improbable “chain” then ended at parents who himself contemplated what to start is at closed crib with her children. Continue to learn more with: Gina Ross.

But in Tunisia is still summer. Burned-out classroom much more dramatic the situation in U.S.-associated institutions of Tunisia. The surprise about the ease with which the US Embassy in Tunis could be stormed and set fire, was quickly dispelled. To clear the evidence said: the once dreaded Tunisian police had “received no usage of command” and the guards of the Tunisian military was only reinforced after the incidents. In addition, the fire reached the conveniently located – venue of events just amazing two hours after the fires were set. Meanwhile, the mob had already carried the fire to nearby American school – an institution in Tunisia -.

The images of completely burnt classroom will remain in the memory, whether the schooling resumed can be is extremely questionable. Tunisia decided already? Already some time ago we had reported on this map the weak reaction of the authorities, when it went to salafistisch motivated violence in Tunisia. At that time we had postulated that the vacation country Tunisia soon must decide how it wants to deal with its allegedly loyal to the Koran perpetrators of violence. They looked at themselves these days the facts, one had to conclude that at least the “moderate Islamic” party Ennahda had made their decision. And indeed a prominent spokesman for Ennahda in unusual openness stated, you will “never” oppose religious extremism, “no matter how radically”. Well, it’s still hard to believe that Tehran will slow from Tunis in the face of still extremely pleasant everyday life in Tunisia. To much is politically still in the River in this young democracy. Where a country’s majority party commented burning desks with such words, not all is but also.