Tasty, Balanced Diet

When it comes to food, the benefit and pleasure between caring parents, of course, choose the favor and offer your child healthy and balanced meals. And so it creates a stereotype of childhood ‘that tasty – not useful and what is useful – not tasty. ” With the same problem faced by adults who are overweight. By choosing some dibo diet as an effective way to lose weight, they just resign themselves to the fact that there will have to tasteless food. Meanwhile, the food should be not only useful but also delicious. Biologists believe that the assimilation of food plays an important role pre-reflexive phase, including the perception of sight and smell of food. Ie we are talking about mental impact of smell, appearance and taste of food on its absorption. This means that the aromatic and tasty dishes will be more useful than a balanced, but tasteless.

To prove this, biologists have spent experiments on dogs. The animals were divided into two groups. One was given a full and balanced meal, but devoid of taste and virtually tasteless. Another – a favorite food of all dogs food: meat from bones. Results experiment proved to be quite eloquent: those animals that were fed a favorite food throughout the experiment remained alert, active and playful.

A group of dogs that were fed a balanced, but tasteless food, gradually lost activity and became more passive and depressed. Moreover, the researchers conducted an analysis of the chyme (the liquid contents of the small intestine) dogs. It was found that dogs that get your favorite meal, it was completely balanced amino acid composition. And the dogs that ate tasteless food, was found the amino acid tryptophan deficiency responsible for the formation of serotonin – a stimulator good mood. This experiment proves that the food we eat has a direct impact not only on our physical, but also on mental state. It is therefore important to pay attention not only to the quality of the food and its usefulness, but also for its taste and smell. Aromatic and tasty dishes can bring more benefits than cooked according to the rules of healthy eating, but without the smell and taste. It is worth remembering those who decided to lose weight through dieting or spetsialinyh separate power supply. By the way that food should be tasty, wrote Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. He believed the traditional Russian cuisine is not only healthy, but delicious. And really, what could be better Russian yoghurt, buckwheat porridge, soup with meat and sour cream, dumplings and all sorts of pies! At the same time, great food – it is always the risk of overeating. But in this case and required self-control. Keep in mind that calories do not exceed the number of calories expended.