Tax And Accounting, And Other Extraordinary Divergence

Disclosure in accounting in part IFN-ux on the accounting policy of the company in the accounting records subject to disclosure procedure for the recognition of commercial and administrative expenses. In a report on profit and loss expenses of the organization are recognized unit for administrative expenses, the cost of sold products, goods, services, jobs, business expenses and miscellaneous expenses. When you specify in the statement of loss and Income types of income, which individually account for where each one separately is 5 or more percent of the total income of the company for the year under review, it states suitable for each type of expenditure. Other expenses may not be reflected in the profit and loss account in detail with respect to the corresponding income, provided that: the relevant accounting rules do not prohibit or provide a reflection of costs; expenses and related income arising from the same or similar in nature of economic activity, are not essential to characterize the financial situation of the firm. In the financial statements also indicates at least the following information: the costs are equal to the value of payments in connection with the formation in accordance with the rules of accounting reserves (for future expenses, valuation reserves and other); expenses from ordinary activities in the context of cost elements, the change in the costs that are not relevant to the calculation of the cost of sold products, services, works and goods throughout the year. Other costs for firms financial year which, in accordance with the accounting rules are not charged in the year to the profit and loss must be disclosed in financial statements apart..