Water Cycles

Switched to a system of closed water. The World Bank published a report on environmental activities in Russia. n-Adults’>Wendy Holman will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In Europe collapsed early snowfalls. In Britain, a ministry to combat climate change. On weekends, thousands of Russians believed the birds. Researchers found that young tunas get together in the center of the Atlantic.

Females of birds for the sake of the bright color of the shell are ready to sacrifice their health. Solar Activity affect the intensity of hurricanes. Festivities of the week: World Maritime Day and World Day for the Protection of Animals. Overview of events for the week of 29/09/2008 to 05/10/2008. bppm switched to a system of closed water 29 September 2008 held the official transfer of the Baikal pulp mill in closed water system. At the opening of the system visited the Minister of Natural Resources Yuri Trutnev, who noted that the transition to a system of closed bppm water circulation is important not only for residents of Angara, but for the entire country. Earlier bppm dumped daily around 120 thousand cubic meters of polluted water.

Numerous environmental organizations have welcomed the launch of a closed system water cycle, noting that now the lake Baikal will become much clearer. Now I bppm ahead the second step – the company’s management has promised to resolve the issue and develop a technology program to implement the system of so-called ‘MBT’ which will stop air emissions on the lake. Recall that in accordance with the law ‘On Protection of Lake Baikal‘ to the Baikal area are prohibited activities in the implementation of which is negative impact on the unique ecological system of Lake Baikal.