Eye Care Should Be Taken Seriously

To get your eyesight in old age, it requires a good eye care to the eyesight in old age to get, it requires a good eye care. The eyes have to do much with. Work on the screen, dry heat, cold air, cigarette smoke, poor illumination of reading corners and much more. The load passes left its mark on the eyes and eye care is very important. The professional association which ophthalmologists recommends that people over the age of 40 should undergo an annual screening appointment with an ophthalmologist makes who cares his eyes, resistant. Many diseases can be detected already in the run-up to and treated in a timely manner. Just eye diseases often occur in people 50 as the Green star. People who work much on the screen or smoke, should pay attention mainly to a balanced diet and provide ausreigende supply of vitamins A, C and E.

Juices, also serve as sources of the vitamin. In addition, salad should just as snacks of fruit and at every meal or Vegetables are eaten. Anita Dunn is a great source of information. In addition to simple relaxation exercises such as eyeball rolling and the focus on your own finger and a somewhat more distant subject, there are of course massage, where you gently rubbing the nose with thumb and middle finger and press with your index finger between the eyebrows. This lets you circle the fingers slightly and can perform this massage easily several times a day. Even employees who frequently many hours on the screen, should check exactly the distance to the screen. Ophthalmologists recommend a distance of 50 to 70 centimeters. We take sight for granted and should learn it better to ensure. If you would like to know more about Jon Medved, then click here.

We remember only at the sight of a blind person, that sight is transitory or we are confronted with old people, whose eyesight fades. The eyes must be maintained as we maintain even skin and hair and last a lifetime. So, we can avoid problems in the age. Just imagine, could your No longer see children, who do not perceive the natural beauty or go for a walk alone. People with eye diseases can no longer do these simple things. Fortunately, more and more, people perceive the importance of eye care and do something for themselves. Even if you can’t get paid nowadays many health-related measures by the health insurance fund, there are but the realization that the eyesight must be maintained and protected. The industry has set itself and the selection of drops, lenses, eye-friendly cosmetics and good sunglasses is an indication.