Goji Skin

What effect have the berries of wolfberry on the body? You healthy Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, native to Asia, which can be ordered in this country in health food stores, health food stores, or directly on the Internet, have extremely positive effects on overall physical and emotional well-being, and can contribute to the relief of many complaints. Effect on eyesight Chinese wolfberries are effective not only against inflammation, but contain many more essential vitamins and nutrients. These include, for example, zeaxanthin and lutein, which occur in high concentrations in Goji berries and belonging to the two most important nutrients for an intact sight. (Source: Dr. Hyun Kim). In some countries in Asia, particularly in China, Tibet, and Mongolia, the fruit of wolfberry used already for a long time for the maintenance of Visual acuity into high age. They are even for the treatment of glaucoma often employed. In Asia Goji apply berries for hundreds of years as a miracle berries for health, Beauty and long life. For even more analysis, hear from Nancy-Ann_DeParle.

Wolfberry fruits the aging process of the skin slows demonstrably, which until an improved structure of the skin occurs in old age and the complexion due to better circulation healthy and looks rosy. The fatty acid abundantly contained in the small, red berries and polysaccharides ensuring a stimulation of collagen production and keep the skin supple and moist. In addition, the high content of vitamin in Goji counteracts berries of skin aging. Goji berries help with a variety of ailments also digestive problems, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome and even ulcers is a tea that is made from Goji berries, true miracle! It is well known that high blood pressure the risk to suffer a heart attack or stroke, dramatically increases. Goji fruit valuable substances are included, which counteract the narrowing of the arteries and has been proven to lower blood pressure and blood lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides,.

Recent studies have revealed that through wolfberry Berry production by major Stimulated enzymes which will prevent the critical oxidation of blood fat cholesterol. In addition to its positive effect on the brain, the skin, the blood vessels, many organs and the central nervous system, even male fertility improves due to the ingredients of Goji berries. Another study in China showed that itself has significantly improved number and quality of sperm, for the subjects who have eaten Goji Berry or Goji tea over a certain period of time, and increased libido also. Chinese wolfberries are so not only enormously healthy and work on many areas and organs in the human body, but have even some aphrodisiac effect.