Deposition of Eggs

However, if parasite eggs are not put at a time when performed test, his presence will not be perceptible. Some doctors recommend a 3-fold examination, but unfortunately, it does not help, because the process of deposition of eggs is not normalized. Often only from 8-10 attempts you can get truthful answer. The most reliable and authentic method is to vrt (vegetative resonance test). With the help of medical selector patient are presented the frequency spectrum of the parasite (worm) and checked whether there is frequency data in the body (specific organ).

If the response is, then this type of worm found. It should be recalled that the diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by the presence in the human parasitic worms should be handled only by a doctor. Get more background information with materials from Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. As a general rule, removing them from the intestine and should only be done in accordance with the prescription at home or in hospital settings. Anthelmintic should not be given at pregnancy, menstruation, fever and severe intestinal disease! Pinworms () parasitic in the final section of the small intestines and cecum rights. The length of females 12.9 mm, male – 2-5 mm. The worm's body white, with pointed ends.

Eggs are colorless. Females with eggs ready to lay down in the rectum, from crawling out and lay eggs (about 12,000) near the anus, are killed. Roundworm – roundworm reddish color, resembling earthworms. In humans, adult ascarids live in the small intestine. Females lay in the intestines of over 200 thousand eggs per day, the eggs do not develop in the intestine and excreted in feces outside and ripen in the soil.