How To Build A Network Of Twitter

One of the questions most frequently raised when deciding to use networking and particularly Twitter, is how to increase the number of contacts. What is important here is to achieve significant contacts. In this way we define the contacts represent an added value for us. This does not mean we will arrange a sale with each of them. Limit the use of Twitter to a mere channel of spamming is the wrong medium to medium. Let’s review the concepts in earlier grades: What is Twitter? Well, basically to grow in scope that can achieve our company, our site or our brand. And in saying this, we include several aspects: better know our market niche, and be aware of developments and potential fluctuations – A must! If you think you will sell with the same formula he used his father for twenty years, are choosing the fastest path to the end of their business develop brand presence created a channel for support and attention of clients and potential clients -How to do this effectively, as discussed in another note. Enriched through contact with colleagues, I mean business colleagues. It may happen that a company in another continent (very far from market) will inspire you or a source of innovation spread the advantages of our products and services offer solutions adds value to our products and become Creating trends concerning the Monitoring activities to competition do damage control, with unhappy customers, ex – employees who may feel aggrieved, and people who have a habit of defaming another online (it is) As you can see, until now still not talking about selling or at least not openly express.